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  1. ByrnBucks

    Knife “best project to date”

    Good evening to all, Well I’ve officially stared at this too long haha and just finished the shading. This knife started as an exercise in design… I had it mounted in the block for a few months trying desperately to come up with a decent design, well that never happened. Finally just penciled...
  2. ByrnBucks

    Question: Does anyone recognize this style

    Good evening to all, mdengraver Just posted a video of Ken C. Hunt drawing open scrolls and it was the first time I saw a few of these elements. Been meaning to ask if this was a certain style or era anyone is familiar with. Not really important just wondering. Thanks and hope everyone is well...
  3. ByrnBucks

    Critique Request First real drawing

    Good Evening to all, First of all a cautionary tale for beginners, I wasted over a year trying to doodle on a danged old IPad and the program Procreate. It would be perfectly suitable for some, but if your just trying to figure things out and have zero artistic talent “myself” then a pencil...
  4. ByrnBucks

    A trial and error process

    Good evening to all, This is one step removed from engraving but I thought maybe some may find it intriguing. Four years ago beginning an endeavor to create something particularly unique proved to be most challenging. Although balancing expectations whilst attempting fulfillment of a...
  5. ByrnBucks

    Critique Request First gun

    Good evening to all, Well first things first Iv been very reluctant to try a firearm and probably wouldn’t be attempting it was it not a request from my mother for her Christmas present…”I let her know it wouldn’t be on time haha”. So as a rookie and from so many previous critique request...
  6. ByrnBucks

    Help, please: Design advise on knife.

    Good evening to all, Currently working to my first real piece with my own design. Sadly Iv neglected Every piece of advice given to beginners here in the cafe…. Picking up a pencil has yet to be a high priority and now I’m paying the price. So first question, Id like to finish up with...
  7. ByrnBucks

    A work in progress

    Confession, though I’v read here 100 times here I completely neglected practicing with a pencil, only focusing more so on taming the graver by duplicating several of Sam’s designs from his educational publications on practice plates. But If I could go back in time I would have put in some more...
  8. ByrnBucks

    Practice plate “Sam’s design” first attempt beveling

    Good evening gentlemen, just wanted to post this plate as I was quite surprised at the results. I have only recently switched from copper to steel, as such have always inked my copper plates for viewing. Combined with a “one step at a time approach“ beveling cuts has been a variable I didn’t...
  9. ByrnBucks

    Announcement: First Knife “A learning Experience”

    Good evening gentlemen, I toiled away at whether to show this but as I did learn several lessons and it’s basically my first knife I figured why not. Ill try and describe “what had happened was” during this process not as an excuse but how I ended up here and why I stopped haha. First things...
  10. ByrnBucks

    Cherishing milestones

    Hello gentlemen, This is a design by Sam Alfano so I realize its significantly easier standing on the shoulders of masters. Never the less this plate was a delight to engrave, It was the first time I confidently cut every line, didn’t hesitate or stress before beginning each cut. I ”to an...
  11. ByrnBucks

    Critique Request Sam’s Pendant kit design

    Good day gentlemen, Thought I’d try this on a practice plate first as it felt a bit out of my league. Sam’s layout and shading are amazing, I tried to follow the leader if you will and for some reason it doesn’t look like the picture haha :) But I was wondering if this is at least coherent. Lot...
  12. ByrnBucks

    Question: What to Charge?

    Hello Gentleman, As I am still in my infancy of this art but strive to one day take on projects in my free time, I’m having trouble determining the value of this piece a co-worker requested. I believe to know the importance of getting some of my work out into the world and forming relationships...
  13. ByrnBucks

    Critique Request First practice plate :)

    Hello gentlemen, I finally finished cobbling together a make shift amateur work bench. The crown jewel being a GRS Gravermax G8, the rest of the setup consists of a cheap microscope rigged to a workable, A knock off block and the final piece arrived yesterday a pottery banding wheel set atop a...
  14. ByrnBucks

    Critique Request Thanks to Sam’s new DVD for beginners

    Thanks to Sam, for making his new DVD for beginners. It felt like I was a student in his classroom and seeing and hearing someone cut was eye opening. Someone not to long ago said “a good design done poorly is better than a bad design done well”. As I am lacking on my drawing skills I didn’t...
  15. ByrnBucks

    Question: Oil filter for air compressor

    Hello there, hope everyone is well. I am waiting on a GRS GraverMax G8 and just discovered the oil-free air requirement. I have a 20 gallon Campbell Hausfeld compressor that of course has oil. Certainly this problem has been addressed before by you fine gentleman and I just want to be absolutely...
  16. ByrnBucks

    Announcement: It isn’t much but my first commissioned piece

    Hello everyone, I have desire to share this “very simple beginning“ with the this warm and welcoming group of people. As I am sure everyone here had too start somewhere and had to feel an overwhelming since of relief and pride to finally go out on a limb “if only inches off the ground” and...
  17. ByrnBucks

    New member seeking critiquing or advise.

    I have been on a lone journey into the world of engraving. I’ve been practicing in some form over the past two years but only began using a proper graver in April of this year. I am using the Lindsay sharping system, a 5$ wooden handle, a rotating ball vise, and magnifying headset. My only...