be careful of plated zippos. for that matter, any plated item. even the finest plating can flake away from the cut line. the flaking usually occurs after an hour or two into the job.
scott: my wife passed away about a month ago. right now cash is questionable for me at this time.. i will donate 50 us bucks to try and save the collection to a proper place for it. to whom do i make out the check ? address, etc ??
if a vendor of any kind ignored my questions i'd simply seek equipment elsewhere. steve may be too busy. surely somebody there should show a bit of interest in a possible sale. by all means check his forum, it's much like the cafe.
i have used the tix solder for a number of small projects usually pendants and such. the stuff never changes color. is very economical to use. sells the stuff.
i am a tinkerboy as well. i've made a few gravers that functioned well. most were made of, "high carbon" steel. never heard of the s7 you mentioned. a metallurgist i aint !
i'd be very cautious about this. copywrite should be respected. posting any material without proper consent can open a "can of worms". there's so very much material that is "free" for the public to use i wont even list the sources here. one thing none of the free stuff addresses is design...