Question: Who was new to reno 2009?

John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
It would be great to know how many Cafe members were new to the Reno show this year and to get your impressions of it.

Were you made to feel welcome?
Did you get to meet the engravers you wanted to?
And were other engravers helpful to you?
Will you plan to return when you are able?

It was my pleasure to meet quite a few new visitors and members personally.
Jim Brandvik from Gray Stone Ranch in Texas was one that I had the pleasure of meeting in person for the first time and actually getting hands on with his wonderful engraved horse shoes.
Jim is a way tall Texas gentleman and really helped out with some of the FEGA functions.
He worked as a bid spotter at the banquet auction and with the security of the voting area for the members selection of the firearms for Guild awards.
With big Jim on the job no one would even dare to try to vote twice!
Seriously Jim, it was a real pleasure meeting you.
Thank you first timers for all your help and I know you will be a great asset to engraving and to the function of FEGA going forward.

Another new attendee that I had the pleasure of visiting with is Stanislaw "Stan" Jarmolowicz, a very talented jeweler from Marysville, CA.
Stan showed me some of his wonderful inlays of various precious metals one into the other and many of which I had never seen or thought of.
Please return next year Stan, and show us more of your great skill and beautiful bass Fiddle playing at our informal little jam sessions with Rod, Ron and Fred.
Maybe Sam and Abigail will be able to join in next year, we all missed them.

This old mind is missing some of the other new folks I met I'm sure. Please jump in and remind me.
You are important to the future of FEGA and to the health and strength of engraving.
Please add your thoughts and future plans.
If you could not make it this year we will look forward to seeing and welcoming you in the future.

Best to all, John B.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 8, 2006
Ludington, MI
Hey John,
Great idea for a post!
Let's hear from you folks.
I am still trying to catch up on paperwork and rest from the show so my mind is still cloudy but I can add Jerry Spaulding from Wisconsin as well. He helped Jim with the voting as well. Also, I think Jim Slaughter was a first timer as well. I know others that attended but not sure if it was their first. I do know there was a whole bunch of people that stood up in the general meeting!


Dec 19, 2008

Yes, I went to Reno and the smile has still not left my face. I never met a more open and welcoming group. I enjoyed meeting alot of the engravers and peruse their awsome work. It was nice to see John Barraclough again ( he was my engraving instructor in Trinidad). Thank you to the Engravers and the GRS team for answering all my questions. I have made some new friends , saw some of the most beutiful firearms and knives. I look forward to taking in as many show as my maker allows. Dennis Myer


Elite Cafe Member
Apr 24, 2008
Reno, Nevada
Count me in, and allow me to echo Dennis. The only thing more astounding than the art was the friendliness and hospitality of the people there. I'll be back!


John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
Yes, as Rex said.
When he asked first timers to stand and be recognized at the meeting there were quite a few attending.
I have to believe that many of them are Cafe members and maybe future leaders of FEGA.
Thank you for attending and helping with the function. I hope you enjoyed the show and the seminars on Monday.
Let us hear your input, please.

Engravewhat and Filbertius, it was great meeting you. It's a real shame that Gary had to make such a long trek :)
Hope to see you both displaying next year.

Best wishes, John B.
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Elite Cafe Member
Apr 20, 2007
Cedar Ridge, Calif.
John~ I made it up to Reno on Friday along with my wife. My wife joined me up with FEGA a few days prior to attending. We stayed at the Silver Legacy too. Met a few people, would of liked to have met more. There were just a ton of outstanding pieces to be viewed. The artistry and craftsmanship was inspiring! I would have attended for successive days but I could not afford paying the daily $40.00 for my wife and myself at the door. Next year, when my membership is fully recognized, I will look forward to staying longer and getting to meet more of the members. The day I spent there was great.

Greg Pauline


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 8, 2006
Ludington, MI
Hi Greg,
I hope you got my e-mail. Sorry I didn't get a chance to talk with you in Reno and sorry about the membership mix up. Because of so much happening at the show now, members must be in good standing by January 1st to come to the show free. We mail out a database then so badges can be printed. Hope to see more of you next year!


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 6, 2007
Bandera County, Texas
Good Question!

Great question, John. I’ve been wanting to sit down and answer but I’ve been swamped by my day job and a couple of engraving jobs to boot.

How do you describe going to the FEGA gathering for the first time? Imagine being an aspiring young actor who has performed only in a couple of High School plays and having the opportunity to go to the Academy Awards. But at this Academy Awards presentation, all of the legends of Hollywood treat you like you are an old friend. There they are, the biggest names in Hollywood. Lots of celebrity faces you recognize but never thought you’d see in real life. You half expect to come away only with confirmation that you are not worthy, but instead you come away truly feeling like you really matter to the future of Hollywood. Every movie star you meet is genuinely glad to meet you. They are patient with your questions. They are happy to share with you all their secrets for success. They give you the feeling right away that they really want you to succeed.

When I walked into the mixer on Thursday night, the first person I saw in the doorway was Diane Scalese. I am a bit of a Western enthusiast so I recognized her right off. I sheepishly introduced myself to her and she turned out to be a really nice person. She was my first indication that these stars were not aloof like the stereotypical regular Hollywood types. She spent a few minutes of genuine conversation with me before another fan stole her attention.

Then I saw John Barraclough in the middle of the room. He was surrounded by people and I knew there was no way I could get close enough to introduce myself at that moment. (I later figured out that because everybody loves John, he is always surrounded by a group of people) John Barraclough and Ron Smith were the two people I was most excited to meet because they have both helped me numerous times by email and through the forum. They have encouraged me, given me tips and insights and have answered some pretty dumb questions by email. Also they have shared many pearls of wisdom through their thoughtful writings. They are never been shy about allowing the richness of their spirits shine through in the way they communicate with the neophytes of engraving. For more than a year, I have felt as if they both have taken me under their wings.

About that time, Jerry Spaulding, a big Wisconsin boy with a broad smile came up and grabbed my shoulder and shook my hand. He and I had attended an intermediate class in Missouri last year at Ray Cover’s. Jerry immediately led me to the bar and started trying to corrupt me with distilled spirits. We had a good time catching up and he introduced me to several people including Mike Dubber, whose work I have admired for a long time. Mike asked me if I had brought any of my work along which of course I had and I pulled a horseshoe out of my pocket. Much to my dismay, he pulled a jeweler’s loupe from his pocket and inspected my lettering under the loupe. Mike is known far and wide for his excellent lettering, but he liberally gave me the thumbs-up for my attempts.

About that time, I spotted Ron Smith, a man I hold in high esteem. Long before I had shown my work to any engravers, I had invited Ron to few my website and let me know if he minded my using his masterpiece model 73 as inspiration for some beadwork treatment on one of my horseshoes. He was good enough to give me not only his blessing for the doing so, but he also gave me the benefit his insights and encouraged me to follow my horseshoe engraving ideas. I introduced myself to him Ron and visited briefly before he was pulled away by more of his friends. Ron is the most unassuming and modest genius one will ever meet.

Finally, I inserted myself into the John Barraclough circle. I introduced myself to him and it was as if we were old friends. John is a true prince of a man who has helped me on numerous occasions. He and I are kindred spirits on many levels. He has been more instrumental in keeping me on my path than he will ever know.

I also rubbed shoulders with other big stars such as Marty Rabino, an iconic figure in the engraving world and FEGA’s answer to Tony Soprano. Marty has a quick, dry wit which I identified with immediately.

I also wasted a good 15 minutes of Joe Rundell’s time at the mixer. Joe is an incredible artist and he was this years’ big winner of the Engraver’s Choice Award. He is also an unbelievable master of stock carving and a heck of a nice guy.

I also got to visit with Rex Pederson and Andrew Biggs (Since I was hanging around the bar). The fact that they make the time to spend time with anyone who walks up and talks to them is a testament to their giving natures as they have so many responsibilities at the show. Both Rex and Andrew are great fun to be around and I consider them to be new friends.

Now keep in mind this was just a recap of the mixer. The show hasn’t even started yet. Over the next three days, I was able to visit with lots of other folks who I have known only by their work and their contributions to the forums. I made quick friends with several very talented folks such as Brian Powley and Mark Swanson and Tim Halloran and Katherine Plumer and Tira Mitchell too.

The show was amazing. (Did I use that word already?) I was astounded by the level of artistic genius I saw. Lee Griffith’s work up close for example was awe inspiring. I have always admired his game scenes so I picked up on of his casting for study.

I spent Sunday hanging around with Jim Slaughter, Mike Fennell and Jerry Spaulding. To look at the four of us, you wouldn’t think we’d have had much to say to one another. Jim is a doctor from Berkley CA, Mike is a retired lawyer from Chicago, Jerry is a power company technician from Wisconsin and I am a country hick from South Texas. In spite of our backgrounds, we had plenty to talk about because we share the love of engraving.

The last day was Monday. It was highlighted by three excellent seminars led by Lee Griffith, Mike Dubber, and Bob Strolson followed by plenty of more visiting.

So going to Reno was several days of meeting lots of new friends, hanging out with the most respected names in engraving, learning new tricks from the masters and been inspired by their unimaginable works of art... I guess you could say I had an OK time.

I left feeling sorry that I had not been a part of the organization's past but I am looking forward to being a part of the future of FEGA.


Jan 28, 2007
Hulett, Wyoming
This year was my first of many trips to Reno for the show. I can not say enough about
all of the people that I met while I was there. Everyone was willing to offer advice and
encouragment and just visit like you were old freinds. If i tried to list everyone I would
not have enough time or space to do it. I had a ball just being in Reno and seeing all of
the fantastic works of art there and no the pictures do not do them justice. I bought
castings from serveral engravers and from FEGA for studying. I look forward to the time
when I get good enough to show there. THANK YOU to all of the people who put on this
great show cause I know it is a lot of work.
P.S. Pictures are better than nothing.
Ross Parnell

Andrew Biggs

Nov 10, 2006
Christchurch, New Zealand
Hi Jim

What an excellent peice you've written. That pretty much decsribes how I felt when I first went to the FEGA show..................and still does!!!

I certainley enjoyed meeting you at the show and having dinner with you. Even the "Soup Nazi" added to the entertainment :)


John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
Hi Jim B.
It was great meeting you in person and I thank you for all the work you did to help the FEGA/ACGGshow function smoothly, contests and auction etc.
And thanks for the kind words about your height challenged friend.
The hat you gave me will have to be sent out for stretching !
I think you knocked Diane's socks off when you showed her your wondeful idea and beautiful work on your horseshoes.
Keep 'um coming, partner.

I am really sorry that we did not get more time to visit. I was really looking forward to meeting you and seeing your fantastic bright cut in person.
And maybe getting a few tips on Western from you :) I sure could use some.
Also wanted to hear more about the beautiful new house you built and see how your shop area was working out.
Can we plan on spending some time together next year?

Ross, I'm glad you were able to attend and become part of our extended family.
Hope it's just the first of many annual visits with you.

Best to all, John B.


Elite Cafe Member
Jan 6, 2007
Bandera County, Texas

John, trust me it was no chore helping out. Without a job to do I'm more restless than a heifer on an anthill. Here is my favorite paperartsy photo from Reno. Two of my heros.

Andrew, I think the soup Nazi treated you pretty well. At least you got your banana split without having to speak to the manager. In fact I think he liked you a lot. I think he would have liked to stand in the 'special' que with you. (Must have been your accent)


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Elite Cafe Member
Jan 6, 2007
Bandera County, Texas
I don't begrudge Andrew the fact that he has trouble with the concept of doughnut holes. After all, he comes from a place where the toilets all flush backwards...
Apr 1, 2007
Waldo, Wi
Hello to everyone, All I can say about Reno is outstanding! I cannot describe how it makes you feel to meet the humans behind the heroes. Its a sure bet that this is not the stuff Hollywood is made of. My advice to anyone who wants to feel like a kid again is to go to Reno. I'm still grinning and that's after being back to work for a week. Again, thanks to all for everything.

Jerry L Spaulding

John B.

Lifetime Pledge Member
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 9, 2006
Los Angeles area, California.
I got my banana split and Ray Phillips got his chocolate fudge sundae from the Soup Nazi.
I don't know if he just took pity on two old coggers or if Shane's talk with the manager did the trick.
Second thoughts....I don't think he had any pity and I hate to think what he might have done to our food before he brought it to our table.
You are special, Andrew, and smart too. Is that why you left your banana split????