Recent content by coincutter

  1. coincutter

    Hi, newbie, interested in hobo nickels, any advice?

    Thanks for the wonderful words my old friend!
  2. coincutter

    Critique Request Knife I did.

    He referenced my response.
  3. coincutter

    It got lost somewhere. Much has changed, Im living in Iowa now. Left big city Colorado and...

    It got lost somewhere. Much has changed, Im living in Iowa now. Left big city Colorado and living in a small house in farm country. Just me now. COVID killed my wife. Ill be getting back into carving coins soon. I think I can still run a graver. 303 250 8267 Im pretty deaf now! Gotta love this...
  4. coincutter

    Pictures or rules for Black Leaf drawing?

    The rules are dictated by nature, google acanthus leaves images, see if that helps. As an artist you tweak the plant to fit the space. Now google acanthus leaves fractals images. Have fun! Now the mundane part Google Guide For Drawing The Acanthus
  5. coincutter

    Critique Request Knife I did.

    Nice work. I've done a few of those beasties in the past. They are not fun. You've done a great job. If you can post a pic of your graver tip. (through the scope) I suspect your face angle is off and you are turning a curve faster than your graver can cut with a point that buries itself into...

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