Recent content by diane b

  1. D

    Question: Engrave Motorcycle Parts

    A good source for you to contact would be Tira Mitchell. She is on this site, so you could PM her. She also has her own website. I don't have the web address, but you could look on the internet for it. I took my first class with Tira in 2008 at GRS, and at that time I think her main focus was...
  2. D

    Engraving Argentium

    Dear Monk and SamW, Thank you so much for sharing your information and experience. I have signed up to take a class at GRS with Jeremiah Watt to learn about building and engraving saddle silver. I'm thinking that instead of using sterling silver, it might be better to use Argentium 940 silver...
  3. D

    Engraving Argentium

    Dear T.G.III, I appreciate you taking the time to post a reply. Thank you
  4. D

    Engraving Argentium

    Does anyone have any experience engraving Argentium 940 silver? If so, what are your thoughts how this engraves? Thank you. - Diane B
  5. D

    In memory of my Dog

    It's heart breaking to loose your pal. I'm so sorry. They are a member of the family. As John said, they do give us so much love. I have a friend (a real character) who some of you have probably done some engraving. He pointed out that no matter what you do, your dog is always happy to be with...
  6. D

    Hand tremors

    Hi Dave, my husband has what is called an essential tremor. This means that it occurs only when he is trying to use his hand such as writing or using a fork at dinner, using a salt shaker, holding onto the steering wheel of the car, etc. If he holds his hand in front of him palm down towards...
  7. D

    Progress Pic Cloisonne Enamel

    are you using leaded or unleaded enamels?
  8. D

    Question: inlay

    John, goodness, thank you for such great information regarding the inlay tool construction and advice to avoid any acid being present during the inlay process. I appreciate the time you took to type this all out. Jerry, I'll be anxious to see how this coating works with different chemical and...
  9. D

    Question: inlay

    Dear John and Jerry, Thank you so much for your reply and information. John: Today was the first day of class and Bette discussed texturing the steel for decorative purposes, but it isn't necessary for the gold to attach to the steel. Bette did explain that attaching gold to steel is different...
  10. D

    Question: inlay

    Can mild steel be used as inlay in the steel used in guns and knives? I'm taking a class using keum bo technique on mild steel, which is more of an application for jewelry. I really like the results and am wondering if I can use the mild steel for inlay. Would there be rust issues or galvanic...
  11. D

    1000 year old graver

    this is so cool. thanks for the great discussion. Diane B
  12. D

    Metal Preparation and Finishing Seminar

    Dear Steven, Thank you for posting this information - diane b
  13. D

    Question: fusing gold to steel

    Dear Betty, Thank you so much for this post. I found you through Anne Wolf, who was hosting a couple of classes with Ford Hallam. I have taken a few classes from Ford, and he wrote letting me know he was teaching at Anne's studio. I cruised around Anne's website and saw the class you are...
  14. D


    good for you sam! I made it all the way to my first solo and then chickened out. that was back in 1991. now I probably couldn't pass the physical.
  15. D

    Question: What is a Scorper

    Allan: Thank you so much for taking the time to write out that great explanation regarding a scorper. I appreciate as well your reference to scrapple and goetta. I never heard of either and looked both up - created for the same reason as haggis: no waste. Roger: Thank you for your definition...

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