Recent content by monk

  1. M

    my frist shotgun engraving

    looks to be great. a better foto would likely prove it's great. certainly great for yer first !
  2. M

    Knife Engraving Question

    as far back on the blade works for me. ymmv
  3. M

    Do you see the face of the graver?

    i f you reduce the size of the face, it should not be a problem. by properly shaping the graver, the face is reduced well below max. one good reason for this, touchup is much faster as there's way less metal to abrade away. also, the larger the face, in your case, more face to visually distract you.
  4. M

    Information Requested for Revision of FEGA How-To Handbook

    chemistry: the various acids, bases and and slew of "stuff" that makes work easier as well as better looking. also, electro etching with salt water. the process is dangerous as chlorine gas is released. safety first, kids !
  5. M

    A few recent bits

    uh, very nice i should say
  6. M

    Saxophone engraving advice

    i forgot to mention the brass is very thin. that's why one should put protective bags inside the instrument. it can prevent unwanted dimples here & there. look up "jason" saxophone engraver. his vid is spot on. sorry, his name is jason du mars. a careful look at his video will show some...
  7. M

    Saxophone engraving advice

    first order of bizzness: you must figure a way to safely cradle the sax. all the keys must be protected from damage. 2nd: go to yer local junkyard. get a couple brass lamp bases-- and practice the "wriggle" cut. 3rd: make bags of rice, sand, or whatever to protect the instrument whilst...
  8. M

    Latest efforts

    byrnbucks got it right. nobody on this forum even became an amateur overnight, it takes time and practice.
  9. M

    Question: Leica microscope s9d

    are you certain that the objective is seated properly ? if the objective is off axis a bit, such could be the problem. is the prism loose ? crazy little things can cause problems.
  10. M

    Still looking at lasers

    you're correct. cermark does just that. i u don't know where it'ss made it for finished products. i've never used it as a layout for hand engraving. i do think it would worrk for layout and subsequent hand cutting. cermark used to be manufactured just a few blocks from my house.
  11. M

    Just Starting Bright Cut and quick question

    an xcellent vid. pack a lunch, it's long, but good
  12. M

    Just Starting Bright Cut and quick question

    also, when doing curves, esp tight ones, you turn the vise into the tool, not the other way around.
  13. M

    why is there no information on laser machines for marking metal?

    my,my, my--you're lucky.a tech was only at my place for one day !!
  14. M

    Looking for feedback and constructive criticism

    left of the grip is still show disparity between the slide and frame.
  15. M

    why is there no information on laser machines for marking metal?

    yes. my laser has a separate fume exhausting system. without such, half of what i do would likely lill me !

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