Hey john.
Thank you! I’ll attach a some photos of a couple things I had brought with me. There was quite a bit more, but id have do dig around for those pictures.
Hope everyone is happy, healthy and amazing.
Did some lettering plates for castings, and finally got around to taking some decent pictures. No ink, just lighting. The first batch of castings I’ll be pouring will be for sale at the FEGA show in January. Only after that, ill have them for general sale. They are on 2x4 plates. Had fun doing...
Thank you very much.
Thank you John, I ordered a leather sandbag, we’ll see if that works. And thank you for your empathy.
Thank you very much Todd, i hope youre well.
Thank you, thank you.
Hey folks, its been a long while since i been on here. I hope everyone is well.
So my father passed a few weeks back, and my mother asked me to do the very heavy task of adorning his urns. I’m not quite sure how to hold them, its needs to be repeatable also, as i will have to do 6 of them. I...
I’m a lefty, have been for as long as I can remember. As long as youre not creating bad habits that is compromising your art or the end product, don’t over think it. With lettering, it shouldn’t matter which way you’re cutting, as long as the “calligraphy” (thick to thin) are in the proper...
Was a bit bummed I wasn’t able to make it to FEGA. But I wanted to show a few pieces i finished recently. I hope everyone is well, happy and healthy.
We got some modified western cuts, some patterns, some flare cuts, and on the next some relief and bright threw the blue. All also salt...