Recent content by rweigel

  1. R

    Depth of Field for Meiji EMZ-5 microscope

    Hi Dennis, I stand corrected… after re-reading your post I understand… Cheers, Ralf
  2. R

    Depth of Field for Meiji EMZ-5 microscope

    Hello Dennis, if your microscope changes the focal distance while you change the zoom, it might not be adjusted to parafocality. How much does it change? Some mm can be compensated with this adjustment, severe changes in focal length might have different reasons. Cheers Ralf
  3. R

    Depth of Field for Meiji EMZ-5 microscope

    I‘ve got no specific information about your Meiji microscope, but found an interesting snippet in an article about Nikon microscopes. The conclusion there was, less zom factor + higher magnification oculars = bigger depth of field for the same magnification
  4. R

    Question: Leica microscope s9d

    Don‘t forget the parafocality adjustement: It literally saves you headaches, and touching the focus knob after changing the zoom factor. You might have to repeat the adjustment to get it perfect, and it depends slightly on the users eye and correction (=glasses) parameters. Cheers, Ralf
  5. R

    Saxophone engraving advice

    I visited a wind instrument fair last year and they had an engraving demonstration stand there. YES, the manufacturers use the wriggle cut, the one where the flat graver ist hold high (or steep, if you like) and it‘s tip „walks“ over the metal, leaving a row of traces.
  6. R

    GRS foot throttle hissing air even when not being used?

    GRS also has all the manuals available for download, if you want to troubleshoot the pedal yourself first. Sometimes it's the hose that leaks at the barbed connector.
  7. R

    why is there no information on laser machines for marking metal?

    I once read somebody tried successfully mustard as laser marking coating… Might smell interesting, perhaps better than burnt away acrylic paint. I like the idea with the modelling clay.
  8. R

    Question: question

    Open your account details (top right corner, your initial and your user name) and choose „account upgrades“. Then you will see the different possibilities to pledge money.
  9. R

    Question: question

    A pledge membership would grant you rights to post there.
  10. R

    Info needed on possible method of creating uniform round bottom to strengthen vee gravers

    Hi Allen, I never tried it with a pre-cut groove, which is BTW a brilliant idea, but I polished gravers held in Lindsay-like templates both on mild steel and extra-hard brass plates impregnated with 0.5 um diamond. As long as one pulls away from the cutting edge, it worked fine. The brass plate...
  11. R

    Greetings from Croatia

    Evgeni, I would also very much like to learn some basics from you. Sharpening I mastered, but the learning curve in engraving is still flat. I could do basic things, but often they do not look right… Cheers Ralf
  12. R

    Engraving Copper

    Even better, copper will only retain it‘s maximum softness after annealing if quenched in water, cristal growth has to be suppressed, I was tought… AI are not omniscient, they will repeat what they collect in their libraries, the most often heard will become the most prominently cited...
  13. R

    still kicking

    “having a lot of trouble getting them to sit upright” - I use the same type of tool holders as for beading tools and fix a piece of hard 2.5mm brass rod inside. I file it to a blunt point and use it to press down the stones into their holes. By pressing down at one side or another, I can change...
  14. R

    still kicking

    I would not dare to use machine drills made from carbide (the one with the red marker ring) in a handpiece, as they break like glass. I use tool steel drills 0.5 or 0.6 mm for the pilot hole, and often have to correct their grind after inspecting them under the microscope. The enlarged photo...
  15. R

    still kicking

    Hello Meshach, I use different styles of flex shafts. One standard size came with the big green-gray motor, the other standard size shaft (the red one) I bought as a spare and connected it to a really slow DC motor. Both accept exchangable handpieces of european style. The red flex shaft is...

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