Recent content by SDH

  1. S

    Colt SAA Engraved.

    Thanks for posting, outstanding~~ Very sorry to hear that about my friend Winston.
  2. S

    Colt SAA cased

    Would love to see a photo of the revolver engraving. The case, carving, design ect. is wonderfully executed.
  3. S

    Need Die Sinker's Chisel .125"?

    Thanks. I already taught the class but I'll pass it on~~
  4. S

    Need Die Sinker's Chisel .125"?

    PM sent... or please reply to:
  5. S

    Just checked my die sinkers post. What do you have for sale? Pic and price please to...

    Just checked my die sinkers post. What do you have for sale? Pic and price please to: many thanks, SDH
  6. S

    Need Die Sinker's Chisel .125"?

    Thanks for all the thoughtful replies. Although I have O-1 steel and have made many tool I thought I might find a source for a commercially available tool like the one I bought new not very many years ago. This is for a student wanting to learn how to reshape a double shotgun action. I use these...
  7. S

    Need Die Sinker's Chisel .125"?

    Thanks to all for the thoughtful replies. Attached in a pic of a Cape Chisel I've had for decades and a Die Sinker's Chisel I bought at Brownells who knows how many years ago. I was naively hoping to simply purchase another?? (I bought the $9 batch from ebay seller, hardy go wrong with that...
  8. S

    interesting movie

    Loved it the first time, delighted to watch it again~
  9. S

    SCI 2022 Auction Rifle

    There is a pragmatic reason for aligning screw slots and I believe this was the original reason the British and Continental gunmakers aligned the screw slots going back to the 17th Century. When the screws are tight and aligned, it is immediately obvious if they come loose. These days it is...
  10. S

    Need Die Sinker's Chisel .125"?

    I guess Brownells isn't much catering to engraver's any longer? To Many $ in AR's? I'm in need of an 1/8" Die sinker's Chisel for my Metal Prep class. Please recommend a source likely to have in stock? Many thanks, Steven Dodd Hughes
  11. S


    The last bench for the Metal Finishing Seminar is now filled. Thanks for the support~~SDH
  12. S

    Checkering question

    It look Very fine line for a top lever? I'm not an engraver but I might suggest chasing every other line for a coarser LPI and clean it up as you go. Just a suggestion~
  13. S


    One work station remains open for the Metal Finishing Rust Bluing Seminar July 19-23, 2021 and I would love to fill it. I can deeply discount it for a student. If you are interested and available please call me 406-222-9377. Registered students are bringing a vintage single shot, a Ruger 77 and...
  14. S

    Summer Custom Gunmaking Seminars

    Just one bench in the Metal Finishing Seminar is left open. We did change the dates to June 15-19, 2020. Two Benches for Stockmaking but several fence sitters~~Please let me know if you are interested. 406-222-9377 afternoons. Many thanks!
  15. S

    Silversmiths of Dublin 1980

    Facinating~~ near as I can tell produced in 1980. Such hand craftsmanship is almost non-existent today, to the best of my knowledge.

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