Still looking at lasers

Rob Meixner

New Member
Dec 21, 2020
I am still looking at lasers. I have researched them to death and still just need something that will transfer an image and mark it specifically on sterling silver such that the image doesn't smudge or disappear while I am cutting it. If it will also lightly engrave, that would be great. I have looked at everything from Laser Peckers and xTool F1 to ComMMarker 60 watt MOPA lasers. I can stand the cost, but at my age, I don't really need another obsession, just a tool. I am especially interested in the X1. Any thoughts are appreciated...Rob


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Nov 20, 2020
Ledyard Connecticut
From what I understand the only real way to go with engraving metal with a laser is a fiber laser. There are some paint like sprays that can be applied to other metals that will make any average co2 laser “engrave” metal I believe it’s called cermark. Might help with what you’re trying to do.


Staff member
::::Pledge Member::::
Feb 11, 2007
washington, pa
From what I understand the only real way to go with engraving metal with a laser is a fiber laser. There are some paint like sprays that can be applied to other metals that will make any average co2 laser “engrave” metal I believe it’s called cermark. Might help with what you’re trying to do.
you're correct. cermark does just that. i u don't know where it'ss made it for finished products. i've never used it as a layout for hand engraving. i do think it would worrk for layout and subsequent hand cutting. cermark used to be manufactured just a few blocks from my house.


Elite Cafe Member
May 17, 2018
If you're looking at a marking laser for metals, regardless of the company you buy it from a fiber laser is the best option. For your stated purposes a 60 watt is most likely overpowered. I've seen 30 watt units at just over 2K. Whatever you choose, you need a way to get rid of the fumes, and you'll need eye protection for the particular type of laser you're using - so please factor those items in to your cost equation.

Not recommending this vendor, just posting the following link as an illustration:


New Member
Sep 28, 2020
I came across following youtube video of using xTool's F1 Ultra on silver ...

The video was recorded by Mr. Jack Jellies. If you click on his name below the video it'll take you to his web site where he has at least one additional video demonstrating using his F1 Ultra with silver. He does relief engraving via his F1 Ultra so there are contours on his pieces ... nearly a 3D image.

You mention in your above post about considering xTool's F1 laser. Know that it has only a 2watt fiber laser while the F1 Ultra has a 20 watt fiber laser. Both also include a diode laser for organic materials. I have the F1 Ultra and have been very happy with it along with xTool's 'xcs' user software ... very intuitive. I have successfully done brass, bronze, copper, and nickel. I have not tried silver.



Rob Meixner

New Member
Dec 21, 2020
I came across following youtube video of using xTool's F1 Ultra on silver ...

The video was recorded by Mr. Jack Jellies. If you click on his name below the video it'll take you to his web site where he has at least one additional video demonstrating using his F1 Ultra with silver. He does relief engraving via his F1 Ultra so there are contours on his pieces ... nearly a 3D image.

You mention in your above post about considering xTool's F1 laser. Know that it has only a 2watt fiber laser while the F1 Ultra has a 20 watt fiber laser. Both also include a diode laser for organic materials. I have the F1 Ultra and have been very happy with it along with xTool's 'xcs' user software ... very intuitive. I have successfully done brass, bronze, copper, and nickel. I have not tried silver.


Tom...Thanks for all the information that you provided. While I have made precious metal jewelry for over 50 years, I am a beginner at engraving. I am amazed at the work done by traditional hand engravers and don't have the time to learn all that there is about traditional hand and pneumatic engraving. I am really just looking for a quicker way to get simple images sized and on a piece of metal so that I can cut cut some artful lines on it. A marking laser seems to me to be one of the ways. This need has sent me down a rabbit hole that I have yet come up from. I don't need another obsession and am fearful that buying a 60 watt MOPA fiber laser might cause me to have one. It would probably sit next to the PUK 5.1 pulse arc welder that I have yet to master but had to have. I will stay in touch with any decision should it prove helpful to others. Thanks again...Rob


:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
Dec 25, 2020
Chattanooga, TN
Good afternoon Rob, this may help you away from the rabbit holes… no matter how clear the transfer or lightly engraved you get the piece, its not going to guide your hand when your ready to cut. Might save you quite a bit of money to just try cutting a few lines by hand and see if the rabbit hole seems enticing enough then go from there. Hope this helps have a great week. BB

Rob Meixner

New Member
Dec 21, 2020
I am not looking for it to guide my hand, just transfer the image that I am engraving. I do a bit of pneumatic engraving of faitly simple images on very small defined spaces. It is important to get the finished image even inside the space. I spend more time sizing and transferring the image than I do engraving it. I am just looking for an easier and quicker way to transfer the image and wonder is a low end marking laser will do this. Thanks...Rob

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