carl bleile
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  • Carl, I had a message from you but when I went to read it the thing disappeared. Can you send it again?
    I made myself a sharpening device. It is very simular to the Lindsay thing. I have never seen one eccept in a picture, but I made a prototype. It works very well. I made several out of wood at first and then , I used aluminum and a bolt. Drilled a hole the length of the bolt and put a square brass tubing in the hole, and soldered it in Then I put in a set screw to hold the graver. Then a pin to hold the bolt in position. By flipping it over I can put the heel on also. I need to tune it up a bit. Getting the aluminum tube and the alignment pin both straight and lined up is the trick. I have no intention of selling it and infringing on his patent but I will use the one I made for myself. Having a lot of fun making it. That is what I do. I hate the Crocker thing. I am going to re design that thing too and build one. I have to. Just to see if I can. I love to build and fix things. .
    Carl, Sorry I haven't gotten back to you about the gravers you sent. This cold weather has me down with my back. Good thing I don't live in Ohio huh. I have no heat in my garage and it is in the twenties and thirties here. As soon as I can make handles for them I will try them out. Send me your address again please, I must have thrown away the envelope they came in. I want to re imburse you for the postage. It is the least I can do. You have helped me a lot. Thank you so much. Mack.
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