Search results

  1. papart1

    Are you a full-time hand engraver, hobbyist, jeweler?

    I suspected such and will be true to form and conviction. Thank you for your response, I will posting soon..........I'm finishing my new diamond lap.
  2. papart1

    Scraper pictures?

    Hi All, after taking a used hacksaw blade and bending in half, follow the lenght of the blades to the bend and carfully apply pressure to snap it, after joining and stoning they make excellent wood scrapers.............not so much steel. Rob
  3. papart1

    Are you a full-time hand engraver, hobbyist, jeweler?

    Mr. Big-un, I too am in the same boat as yourself, while taking engraving very seriously, the economic state of Flint, Mi. is pitiful to say the least. Has joining FEGA brought any recognition to the starving artist known as Big-un? I have not done enough to be recognized barely by my family...