I started Argen. inlay for my grandson's receiver. FIRST and already found the lock-in style which is going pretty good. The biggest pain is the start and stops (just like welding I might add) It's a job.............but loving every minute. Rob
This is the hole in the receiver with no screws and no internal threads, what are the thoughts on this. It's supposed to be the barrel locking set screw.
Has anyone tried to do a 2 tone on this cerakoted 12 guage ? Ridding the coating from parts of the receiver and engraving then black/blue the prepped steel? or clear cerakote.
O.K. I've done everything I know to do, etc: drivers, Black only, best, and everytime I attempt to transfer with polish remover there is color that is brought up. I have a envy 5660 that I run in single cartridge mode which is supposed to blk only. Brand new # 62 pots. The colors are green...
I can't transfer squat, Ive tried lazer with fixative, inkjet # 62 HP ink, deodorant on al. s.s
steel. Can't get anything to even do something, have TW fluid, TW film.........................nothing please help. VERY FRUSTRATING Rob
When you are doing your layout/drawing using a aluminum box...........make sure you check that your 12" plastic T- square is NOT cracked. Thank you for your attention. Rob Oh and by the by, I just found out the circumfurental spacing of of the chambers are not the same...