Search results

  1. R.Quecke

    Lettering plates.

    Did some lettering plates for castings, and finally got around to taking some decent pictures. No ink, just lighting. The first batch of castings I’ll be pouring will be for sale at the FEGA show in January. Only after that, ill have them for general sale. They are on 2x4 plates. Had fun doing...
  2. R.Quecke

    Looking for Work holding suggestions.

    Hey folks, its been a long while since i been on here. I hope everyone is well. So my father passed a few weeks back, and my mother asked me to do the very heavy task of adorning his urns. I’m not quite sure how to hold them, its needs to be repeatable also, as i will have to do 6 of them. I...
  3. R.Quecke

    Just wanted to show a few recent projects.

    Hello!!! Was a bit bummed I wasn’t able to make it to FEGA. But I wanted to show a few pieces i finished recently. I hope everyone is well, happy and healthy. We got some modified western cuts, some patterns, some flare cuts, and on the next some relief and bright threw the blue. All also salt...
  4. R.Quecke

    Another fun one down.

    Another fun tattoo machine frame (if y’all didn’t know, i been a tattooer for almost 20 years now, hence why I’m always doing machine frames). My buddy asked me if i would do one similar to the other reaper one i did a while back. So, here we are. Inlayed it, engraved it, blued it, French grayed...
  5. R.Quecke

    Just finished this Al Mar

    This was a super fun one. I learned a lot, this marks 2 years 4 months engraving. I really enjoy this stuff and all the challenges it brings. Thank you for looking, hope everyone is well.
  6. R.Quecke

    satellite turntable gas spring + picture of a knife.

    Does anyone know the specs on it? Length, diameter, extended length, compressed length, etc. All i know about it is that the gas spring is rated for 50lbs. I’m debating about putting a stronger one in it. That’s why i was wondering about the specs. I’d prefer not to pull it apart just for...
  7. R.Quecke

    Just finished my first pup portrait.

    Just finished this for a friend. He had her for 16 years and lost her this year. I did know her, and am proud to say i believe i did her justice. Thanks for looking. And hope everyone is well.
  8. R.Quecke

    A few recent projects.

    Hello all! I hope everyone is well. April marks 2 years of engraving and being self taught. I am excited to say I signed up for my first class in august with Jeff Parke teaching it. I just wanted to show y’all what Ive been working recently. A few tattoo machine frames for a builder. I did...
  9. R.Quecke

    Finished this one.

    A few happy little mistakes that worked in my favor. I am done with this one. Thank you for looking. Hope everyone is well.
  10. R.Quecke

    I made castings for the first time.

    It was pretty fun to do something that different. Thanks for looking!!!
  11. R.Quecke

    Thoughts and opinions?

    Hello all!!! I’d love to hear your thoughts and such on the finish for this. Ive been considering blue, then selective graying the scroll and rose. Also, ill be hitting 2 years engraving come April! Feel free to critique this piece also. I’m always open to learning from my mistakes. (Side...
  12. R.Quecke


    Hello! hope everyone is well. I am doing a commissioned piece that the client plans on it being plated, I am curious to how much detail will be kept/lost, if any. It’s steel, and will be done gold, so I know is multiple metals. I don’t wanna do a bunch of work if it’ll be lost. Any of y’all...
  13. R.Quecke

    Where’s the line?

    So I've been thinking. Coming from tattooing as my trade. When I design something, I have to worry about how its gonna age. So it must be designed appropriately. Now with engraving, where do you draw the line of detail visible to the naked eye, or how much detail on certain softer materials, or...
  14. R.Quecke

    Looking for.

    Firstly, I apologize if this is the wrong place, I can’t post in the classified section. If it’s an issue, (admins) please delete. I’m looking for the Lindsay barrel and cylinder holder. If anyone has one they wanna sell, I am interested. thank you, hope everyone is happy healthy and well...
  15. R.Quecke

    Quick question about dividers.

    I seem to remember a video where (I think it was Sam) talked about redoing the points on the dividers. Anyone???? if not, anyone got any pointers ? Thank y’all.
  16. R.Quecke

    Did this today.

    Did this little guys for Father’s Day, for my father. I forced myself to do a simpler style scroll then what my mind tries to do. First monogram also. The monogram is about a half inch tall. I know I got a long way to go, but I wanted to share and I can’t on other social media cause I don’t want...
  17. R.Quecke

    Hello everyone. Watch question.

    Anyone know of suitable watches for engrsving, for someone who’s never done one. I’m not looking to sell or anything, just something for me to try for myself. I hope everyone is happy, healthy and safe in this wild 2020. Thank you.
  18. R.Quecke

    My first attempt at Sam’s shading video.

    So April was one year from the first time I touched a a graver to metal. I haven’t been able to take any classes, and have had only these forums and the internet to help. I got Sam Alfano’s shading video recently and here is my first attempt. All. Critiques welcomed. Thank you all for looking...
  19. R.Quecke

    GRS diamond wheel issue.

    Has anyone else had delamination issue? I just noticed it tonight. It’s my 1200 wheel, and a year old now. I am a hobby engraver and dont do it full time, so its wear is not that much. I was just curious, so i figured I’d ask. I hope everyone is well, happy, and healthy. Thank you.
  20. R.Quecke

    What is hopefully a quick question.

    I have been using TW’s transfer magic and his transfer film. It works well, but i tend to pull the dried fluid off with the film after burnishing, and when that happens its a poor transfer. Sometimes i dont though too, I haven’t been able to figure out why yet. Is my surface too polished? Am i...

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