Rain kept me indoors all day, so one of my projects was to see if I could transfer pencil drawings and ink pen drawings. After several failures I did find a method that works that is very simple using hair spray.
First, wipe down the metal to be engraved with a solvent to get it absolutely...
A month or so ago I bought a graver sharpening fixture that uses collets. The problem was that I am using square gravers and a DIY pneumatic hand piece that does not use collets.
I found that making a collet with a square hole is actually not very difficult. While I used a lathe to make one, I...
I started engraving six months ago after many years of interest in the art.
However, before putting a graver to metal, I spend at least a year drawing scrolls, and reading anything I could find on the internet.
For others just beginning this journey, I’d like to share some of the bits of...
On May 18, 2020, Sam Welch wrote, “Numerically...I cut scroll and background at about .003 to .005" in depth. Steel sculpting perhaps a coupe thou more. Gold line borders not much deeper.”
I am a novice, but recognizing that SamW is one of the true master engravers here, so that is the depth...
I plan to purchase one of Ron Smith’s books on scroll design, but I can’t decide between Drawing and Understanding Scroll Design, and Advanced Drawing of Scrolls.
As a complete novice, I’m not sure which would be more helpful in improving my design skills. Any recommendations would be...