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  1. Mike576

    “Power hone” DIY

    Thought I would share this DIY (of sorts) power hone. The work surface is 3d printed and at the correct 1/2 inch height for Lindsay templates. The 1 inch wide wheel and fixture in the front is used to grind a small flat on round carbide blanks so the graver can be indexed in the Lindsay...
  2. Mike576

    Photorealistic/Advanced bulino questions

    One question I have for advanced level of bulino is how does one achieve that truly photo realistic look. For example if you look for masters like firmo&francesca fracassi, Geoffrey lignon, etc it’s as if a black and white photo is set into steel. Just thinking through the problem in my head...
  3. Mike576

    Critique Request Elephant bulino

    Just finished up this project, let me know what you all think. Put about 30 hours total into it over the course of a few weeks. Most of that time was at work while on lunch 1/2 hour at a time. Made from grade 2 titanium. The whole piece other than the background was done with a Lindsay angle...
  4. Mike576

    Peregrine falcon scrimshaw

    Finished up this peregrine falcon today. Done on a tagua nut. Thanks for taking a look and please feel free to leave critique. I would love to hear others input.
  5. Mike576

    Question: Andu Bulino pen quality??

    Anyone have experience with the Andu pneumatic bulino pen? I have been getting into bulino and scrimshaw a lot this last year and use my Lindsay classic for light powered stippling. Works pretty well but I thing the pen shape form factor would be more ergonomic. For most of the work I use just...
  6. Mike576

    Scrimshaw tiger eye

    Finished up this scrimshaw tiger eye on a tagua nut last night. About 1.75x1 inch. Use a mixture of my Lindsay hand piece with a round pointed stipple tool, a mechanical pencil with a needle point tip insert, and a Lindsay manual graver handle with an 1/16 wide flat graver. Ink used was higgens...
  7. Mike576

    Question: Scrimshaw question

    I’m attempting my first bit of scrimshaw. This is on a piece of col 849/tm which is an imitation ivory. What I’m noticing is when I ink the piece it makes the area around smudged. I’m using a paper towel with a bit of water to wipe away the excess after about 15 seconds of drying. The piece is...
  8. Mike576

    Color bulino like color scrimshaw

    Does anyone have information as to how Tim Herman does color bulino engraving? I came across this a few hours ago and after about an hour of searching I found almost nothing. One post on engraving forum showing an engraving he did and one on this site where someone commented he shared the...
  9. Mike576

    Critique Request Another watch dial

    Finished up this watch dial today. Made from a piece of .020 thick 6al4v titanium. Done start to finish with my Lindsay reversing angle burin and Phil Coggan bulino point which I modify to have an extremely steep face to help the carbide tip from breaking. I mixed it up a bit this time and used...
  10. Mike576

    Critique Request Bulino family portrait

    Finally done! Started October 22nd on a piece of sterling silver. Restarted on November 23rd on a piece of 6al4v titanium. The first one being dead soft sterling silver was super soft and I didn’t pop the bur out on every cut. When I would ink the piece the small burr would flatten and distort...
  11. Mike576

    Lindsay border scribe

    Anyone else have a Lindsay border scribe which seems off like this one? Used it a few times and hadn’t noticed till just now that the milling of the oval shape is not parallel with the shaft which holds the scribe. Not sure if I’m being too picky but I assume that’s a defect to the...
  12. Mike576

    Question: Bulino engraving hair

    Anyone know of a resource (video book etc) where I can learn to better engrave fine hair? I’m working on this 1.4 inch sterling silver watch dial with my wife and I as well as our sons on it. First time doing faces, and I’m a bit stumped on the hair for my older son then later on for my wife...
  13. Mike576

    Winchester model 1894 lever action outline

    I traced this Winchester model 1894 for the beginning of a design I plan on working. Feel free to copy it for your own use. I will trace and upload the other views in a day or so.
  14. Mike576

    Help, please: Wild Heerbrugg M3B Stereo Microscope

    Does anyone by some miracle know where I can find a .5 objective lens (also known as a barlow lens) for a Wild Heerbrugg M3B Stereo Microscope. Or what mm objective lens size the m3b uses? I see plenty of listings on eBay for wild objective lenses but they don’t say what model they fit. Are the...
  15. Mike576

    Critique Request Design critique please!

    I have been drawing a lot more recently and did this over the past few days. Started on pencil and paper to get the rough idea down. Working with procreate I find it hard to get an idea on paper because I obsess over every line shape being perfect from the start. Once I had the rough outline I...
  16. Mike576

    eBay Lindsay vise for sale

    Not my eBay listing but if someone is looking for a Lindsay palm control there is one for sale on eBay! Get it while it’s still there, damn near impossible to buy one when they are posted new.
  17. Mike576

    Critique Request Bulino progress photo

    Progress photo of a spyderco bug. I’m engraving a bald eagle on in a “bulino” style. About 15 hours in so far. Tools I’m using are a 2 needle points one made from an old 1/16 FG burr and one made from a 1/8 carbide blank tapered to .050 then a fine point. Also a Phil Cogan bulino point done with...
  18. Mike576

    Reusing old FG bur

    I had a bunch of these dull 1/16 friction grip burrsand decided to make a small collet from 1/8 brass stock I had laying around. Pretty simple process. Cut to length, center punched the end then drilled a .120 hole in a piece of wood. I nailed the brass into the wood so it was held very secure...
  19. Mike576

    Multicolor inlay (first try)

    I’m working on my first multi color inlay. Copper, 24k gold, and fine silver. I plan to do the copper as a 20 gauge sheet inlay and the gold/silver with 24 gauge dead soft wire. I started by sanding the stainless steel spyderco delica against my surface plate with 120, 400 and 600 grit to get...

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