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    Ramblings of a Rookie-Transferring Pen or Pencil Drawings

    Rain kept me indoors all day, so one of my projects was to see if I could transfer pencil drawings and ink pen drawings. After several failures I did find a method that works that is very simple using hair spray. First, wipe down the metal to be engraved with a solvent to get it absolutely...
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    Ramblings of a Rookie: making a square-hole collet

    A month or so ago I bought a graver sharpening fixture that uses collets. The problem was that I am using square gravers and a DIY pneumatic hand piece that does not use collets. I found that making a collet with a square hole is actually not very difficult. While I used a lathe to make one, I...
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    Ramblings of a Rookie

    I started engraving six months ago after many years of interest in the art. However, before putting a graver to metal, I spend at least a year drawing scrolls, and reading anything I could find on the internet. For others just beginning this journey, I’d like to share some of the bits of...
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    How deep to engrave?

    On May 18, 2020, Sam Welch wrote, “Numerically...I cut scroll and background at about .003 to .005" in depth. Steel sculpting perhaps a coupe thou more. Gold line borders not much deeper.” I am a novice, but recognizing that SamW is one of the true master engravers here, so that is the depth...
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    Which Ron Smith book?

    I plan to purchase one of Ron Smith’s books on scroll design, but I can’t decide between Drawing and Understanding Scroll Design, and Advanced Drawing of Scrolls. As a complete novice, I’m not sure which would be more helpful in improving my design skills. Any recommendations would be...

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