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  1. J

    Independence Day 2024.

    Happy Independence Day to all of our friends on the Engravers Cafe. Have a wonderful day, and second half of 2024 !! John Barraclough
  2. J

    Happy Veteran's Day.

    To all our friends who served their Country. Bless you, thank you and honor to you, today and always !! Hope you enjoy this Special Day. John B.
  3. J

    Happy 4th of July

    Wishing all the Cafe members a happy, healthy and safe Independence Day.
  4. J


    Congratulations to publisher Andrew Biggs for yet another outstanding issue #133 of The Engraver, the FEGA journal. And a shout out to Master Engravers Ron Smith and Wade Oliver Wilson, a new Master, for the wonderful cover photographs of their Engraving artistry. This is a world class issue...
  5. J

    Happy Mother's Day

    To all the Ladies of Engraving, and the Mother's, Wives, Sweethearts and Daughters. Happy Mother's Day !!
  6. J

    May Day

    Wishing a very happy and healthy May Day to all my fellow Cafe and engraving friends.
  7. J

    To Wiffred Valtakis

    Chip, Please contact me regarding some prospective engraving work. John Barraclough.
  8. J

    Happy Thanksgiving

    To all the friends and members of this wonderful Cafe.
  9. J

    Thank you Veterans

    Thank you for your service. God Bless and keep you.
  10. J

    Issue 130 of The Engraver

    FEGA's The Engraver magazine is always high quality publication. A heads up. Issue 130 is really outstanding. For those of us who are lucky enough to receive it, a feast for the eyes and brain. Wonderful engraving, photography, articles and composition. Congratulations to all the contributors...
  11. J

    Happy Father's Day

    Happy Father's Day to all the guy's who are Dad's, or take on the part. And also to the wonderful women that fill two duties.
  12. J

    John Rohner and President's Flag Day

    Hello Friends. Just a thought.... When we put our flag out today let us also honor John Rhoner and his Marine Corp service.
  13. J

    Happy New Year

    Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to the Cafe and all members. May your graves stay sharp and go where intended. :)
  14. J

    What has gone wrong with the Cafe?

    It is now hard to open and find the latest posts. Or is it just my crazy computer??
  15. J

    Many Happy Returns

    Happy birthday to our hosts, Sam Alfano and our forum moderator Monk. Thank you for making this happy meeting place for us all. Hope you both enjoy some wonderful birthday treats today and always.
  16. J

    Mother's Day

    Ladies, it's your special day! Have a great one! Wishing all the ladies of the Cafe and the engraving world a wonderful, happy and healthy Mother's Day.
  17. J

    Help please.

    I have a copy of Sam's new Flair Cutting CD. Can someone point out how to download and print out the practice sheets of transfers, please PS. It's a terrific video.
  18. J

    Safe journey.

    Wishing everyone a safe and happy trip to the FEGA show in Las Vegas. Hope you enjoy the world class engraving and wonderful friendships.
  19. J

    Welcome 2020 !

    Wishing The Engravers Cafe and all it's members and friends a long and happy, healthy and prosperous life. Long may the Cafe live to welcome all its friends. Thank you for this wonderful engraving forum Sam and Abigail. And Monk for his moderating.
  20. J

    Mother's Day 2019

    Wishing all the mothers and ladies of the Cafe a happy, healthy Mother's Day.

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