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  1. P

    GRS Acrobat Microscope Stand ---or--- Ebay Chinese knockoff????????

    Ahh… I am totally with u. I had it, yes it's very bad. It's just look-a-like, but fixation is absolutely different. I've endlessly corrected it and to evenings my neck groaned with pain. If you haven't money, search smt better but not chinese.
  2. P

    Chinese Engraver Problems

    +1 There is no sense to work with a poor quality tool, it’s just exhausting. It's falling apart at the seams. It can seems as an easy call but in fact it's just a waste of money, brains and time.
  3. P

    GRS Acrobat Microscope Stand ---or--- Ebay Chinese knockoff????????

    Never buy this tool from china If u want to save your money. Cause it's a ver very poor quality. The one and original is the GRS from America.

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