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  1. A

    Gravers coming loose during use with PulseGraver?

    Hello! I have recently acquired a used PulseGraver system, but I am finding that my gravers are working themselves loose in the collet after a few minutes of use, to the point where I can just pull them out. I have tried a few different collets with the same graver and am still having the issue...
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    Tom White hone + GRS dual angle sharpener question

    Thank you everyone! I think I will try getting a sheet of steel to lay on top of the plastic first. I also contact TW directly and this was the response in case anyone is curious: "I had to do some research on this as the dual angle fixture I had before I sold it had a heavy steel plate base...
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    Tom White hone + GRS dual angle sharpener question

    Will creating a permanent metal platform be bad for if I still use the Lindsay templates sometimes on top of it? I was assuming the plastic was there to prevent wear on the Lindsay template from running across metal.
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    Tom White hone + GRS dual angle sharpener question

    I have a Tom White diamond power hone and have just gotten the GRS dual angle sharpener. I have used the GRS sharpener in the past with a GRS hone, and the magnetic post for the sharpener held well to the top of the hone. With my Tom White hone there is a black plastic platform on the top of the...