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  1. B

    Polishing after engraving

    Ahhh.... the spelling... Never Seeze ? ;)
  2. B

    Polishing after engraving

    Interesting... new technology... I will have to try this one out for some things. I doubt, however, that when the scratch is deep enough to require the "healing" that we have traditionally done by burnishing, scraping and limited area polishing - that a tool this large would do the job -...
  3. B

    Polishing after engraving

    Find someone who actually KNOWS how to use tiny scrapers, burnishers, handmade sanding sticks, very fine abrasives stones and fine rubber abrasive sticks and small wheels... not gonna be easy - but can be done... usually... No image of the damage?
  4. B

    Returning from semi-retirement

    Thanks guys! It's a little strange coming back to this life, this forum and old friends - but it won't take long to get used to it again!
  5. B

    Returning from semi-retirement

    Been a while... but I am back for now. Plan to post some new workshops and quite a few tools for sale shortly. Brian

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