
  1. DakotaDocMartin

    Announcement: Senate Bill Would Protect Legal Ivory Owners and African Elephants

    Senate Bill Would Protect Legal Ivory Owners and African Elephants Ends USFWS Unilateral Ivory Ban and Focuses on African Elephant Poachers Senators Daines (R-MT) and Alexander (R-TN) introduced S 1769, the African Elephant Conservation and Legal Ivory Possession Act of 2015. Companion...
  2. DakotaDocMartin

    Announcement: Important "Ivory" Bill Introduced

    Please Contact Your U.S. Rep. and Ask Him or Her to Cosponsor and Support H.R. 697 U.S. Representative Don Young (R-Alaska-At Large) recently introduced H.R. 697, a bill that would prevent the Obama Administration from banning the U.S. sale and trade of legally owned ivory, as well as ensure...
  3. DakotaDocMartin

    URGENT! State level Ivory Bans are pending

    From an email I received from David Warther: URGENT! State level Ivory Bans are pending, and you need to contact your legislators right away! California, Washington, Iowa, Virginia and Connecticut are all introducing bills to ban the sale of ivory at the state level. Modeled after laws...
  4. DakotaDocMartin

    Obama Ivory Ban - Last chance to make a comment!

    I received an email from David Warther again today concerning the Obama Ivory Ban. He suggests we go here: Advisory Council on Wildlife Trafficking; Meeting and click on the "Comment Now" button. Please comment on why this is a bad law and how it will affect you. Your statement doesn’t...
  5. DakotaDocMartin

    Latest news on the proposed Obama Ivory Ban - MOVING TOWARD LEGISLATION

    TWO RECENT EVENTS ARE WORTHY OF NOTE IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED INFORMATION ON THEM FROM OTHER SOURCES: HOUSE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE (Bloomberg) -- The National Rifle Association and the music industry scored a win when the House Appropriations Committee unveiled its 2015 spending...
  6. DakotaDocMartin

    Announcement: Ivory Ban - The Presidential Advisory Committee plans to recommend a total ban

    I received this email from David Warther (4th generation ivory carver and supplier in Ohio). If Sam or the Moderators want it to go away... so be it. But, I think it's important enough that we band together and get the word out. Also, do as David suggests and write an email to try to get it...
  7. DakotaDocMartin

    Blank Canvas - Pair of USFA SAA's with Ivory Slabs

    I figured I would snap a couple of photos of a very unique pair of USFA SAA's I finally got after waiting almost a year for them. They were custom made for me "in the white" without grips with 5 1/2" barrels and .45 Colt caliber. This is the first time (from what I was told) that USFA has...
  8. Paulie

    Critique Request My new scrimshaw attempts.

    :tiphat:Hi folks! After discovering this wonderful engraving world since a couple of years, viewing all the fine engravings & scrimshaw posted & shared by all members, absorbing all the good tips & tricks about engraving and scrimshaw (thanks a lot everybody!!), now... it 's time for me to show...
  9. S

    New Scrim Order

    It only took three years, collaboration with 2 other people, and finally I got it finished. Thought I'd share a photo. This customer lives for duck hunting! I just added a few new things to my website: www.sandrabradyart.com Look at Jewelry, Fine Art, and my how-to DVD.