
  1. Artist007

    Engraving my first Spyderco knife, sculpture technique

    Hello all. I was going to wait until I was done to post anything about this, but I'm really pleased with how it's turning out. I'm putting the skills I learned from Sam Alfano's Deep Relief Sculpture Engraving video to good use. The skull is about 1.125" tall. The scrolls will be standard line...
  2. M

    Practice plate: how would you shade this pattern?;

    Hi, first time posting here and also generally new to engraving, so I hope I don’t make any egregious errors. I’m a goldsmith with ~6 years of practice at the bench, mostly in hand fabrication. I’ve taken 2 GRS classes for stone setting, and the second was taught by Todd Daniels, which...
  3. C

    Critique Request Scroll design for watch dial

    Hi everyone, I'm a brand new member of Engraver's cafe. :) First of all thank you for accepting me in here! This is my very first scrollwork design for a unique watch dial. I have find that that the shading part of a design process is the most difficult part for me. I know that to be good in...