The last issue was #105 (Jan/Feb/March) which you should have received just before Christmas.
This latest issue #106 (April, May,June) is a little late and going to the printers in a few days. So you'll have it shortly.
The reason I'm a bit behind is I had to travel for a couple of weeks. And all the usual excuses like cats, kids, wife, work, life, creek rising, lame horse, trains were running late, blah blah blah
This one is a goodie with all the award winners from the show in January. Marty Rabeno has a fabulous article and sequence shots about his award winning gun. And we get a sneak preview of the latest American Engravers book to be released in late May (??) written by Roger and published by Blue Book. Plus some other bits and all in all she's looking good
If Verizon is your cell provider, they have a couple of devices to solve that problem. One is a USB stick that you plug into your computer and is basically an "always on" cell connection. The other is a small box about the size of a cigarette pack that does the same thing, but also acts as a wifi that you can connect up to five other devices to.