Gold wire size preferences

Southern Custom

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 8, 2013
Baton Rouge
This is for those of you that have done Single Action Army pistols with gold borders.
I've done my fair share of gold inlay but the project I'm on now will be my first SAA with gold. My question is what are your size preferences for borders? The frame of the SAA is really a pretty small space so I don't want to overwhelm it but I wouldn't want to end up too thin either. The first section I'm doing is the backstrap which will get the name "Lucky" in script as well as borders so I need to be carefull with my size choices so the gold isn't crowded.
And one last question is does anyone inlay with 22k? Particularly on larger inlays. I've used it on stainless for borders and lettering but I don't know how it would do on the softer steel of the SAA.

Southern Custom

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 8, 2013
Baton Rouge
So I've answered most of my own questions regarding 22k by doing a quick search on the forum. (search button is handy, imagine that)
That leaves me with wire sizes. Feel free to virtually slap my hands for not searching longer for that answer as well. I gotta get back to work.

Brian Hochstrat

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Midvale, Id
yeah 22k will go in easy, personally I never use 24k way too soft in my opinion, not trying to cause a rift though, some swear by it and that is cool, what ever works.

On the wire size question, my advice would be to do an image search and see what you find that you like. That is how I approach those sort of questions. Typically I look to somebody who's work I like, in this case with Colts I would see how Francolini would handle things and learn from it or sometimes the image search will lead to something or somebody else that you like the look of that you had not thought of before. If you do find an image that you think has the line weight that you feel fits and most likely you already know this, but you can estimate size pretty close by using other land marks on the gun.

Ok I hope that is of some benefit. Good luck on your project. B.
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Southern Custom

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 8, 2013
Baton Rouge
Thanks Bryan. I did a little research today with some references with the idea of estimating from other work that felt right to me. Boiled it down to ordering a foot or so of everything I thought I'd need. I Got the bright idea to make a reference plate with finished lines of an inch. Not that much gold and it's well worth the information it provides.

Brian Hochstrat

Elite Cafe Member
Nov 9, 2006
Midvale, Id
I too, prefer 22K - but I alloy mine, pour the ingots, roll and pull it down to say 18 - 20 gauge to stock it.

Grab a piece and pull it down to exactly the size I need when the job calls for it.


Yeah I do the same thing, it gives me control over karat, color, softness and sizing. Plus as high as the fabrication charges have risen to in the last couple years, I make more money fab-ing my own gold than I do inlaying it :)

Ed Westerly

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Mar 16, 2011
southern California
I use either 0.015" or 0.011" for most gold lines. The 15 thou makes nice, fairly wide lines, and the 11 thou makes finer, quite classy lines. IMHO

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