I had so much fun in Chicago over the weekend. It was great to see old friends and make some new ones. Kelly Williams, Jacob Bauer, Kent Hufendick, and myself competed in a timed stones setting and engraving challenge. In the morning we had 2 hours to set 9 cz's in a ring with a classic setting style of our choice. In the afternoon we had another 2 hours to layout and engrave a silver money clip. Kelly did a fantastic job and took first place in both categories. My engraving is the leafy monogram and hers is the western bright cut style. Kent and Jake did outstanding jobs as well, but were unable to complete the designs.
I've done rush jobs with the customer waiting before, but it was a whole different kind of pressure with a crowd of jewelers watching every movement on the large screens.
My compliments to all the other competitors.
I've done rush jobs with the customer waiting before, but it was a whole different kind of pressure with a crowd of jewelers watching every movement on the large screens.
My compliments to all the other competitors.