Elite Cafe Member
After creating heels on vee gravers, I like to round off the sharp bottom heel edge to limit chipping. However, I often screw it up when rounding by hand and end up changing the heel angle. I can uniformly make a flat spot on the bottom of the vee heel by gently swiping the graver over a stationary diamond wheel while in my Apex fixture, but that still leaves slight edges on the heel because the change is not rounded. Then I had an AHA moment. Why not cut a round line in a cast iron plate with a 0.8 mm [or so] GRS step graver, dust the round bottomed groove with diamond powder, lift the Apex fixture holding the graver erect at the heel angle up, align the diamond-dusted plate under the graver, and then pull the plate away from the graver point to create a uniformly rounded heel at the correct heel angle? When I looked online, I saw lots of types of iron and some types of cast iron plate. I know that many engravers use diamond dust on GRS cast iron plates, but I am ignorant as to what types of iron will allow the diamond dust to impregnate it and work as described. If you have had experience with creating a diamond plate, what types of iron or cast iron plate do you think would work well in this case?