ifa 5x eyepiece is used rather than a 10x, will that increase the working distance ? i'm concerned i may not have enough room under the lens to swing sledge hammers and use prybars and stuff!?
Hi Monk,
Unfortunately, using a 5x eye piece doesn't do the same thing as .5 reducer lense at the
other end of the scope. The total magnification will be less but the distance will be the same.
You need the reducer lense.
I have an interesting story about using a reducer lense
that is not made of the Russian scope I bought.
In leaner days of no money, about a week and
half ago (just kidding). I bought a Russian scope for a second bench.
The salesman said there was enough room between the lense and
the object. Well, not exactly. Since this was basically a $400.00
surplus scope from Russia, there was no ordering of a reducer lenses.
So, I ordered a Meiji .5 reducer lense and it didn't fit the scope.
So I made a adapter out of pvc sewer pipe with watch screws
to hold the parts together and then it was out of focus.
So I tried turning the reducer lense upside down and tried installing it.
This worked, with a bonus included. The working distance between
the lense and the object is about a inch and a half more than a Meiji.
Sometimes, your just lucky.
you know, jim, i honestly believe the lord sometimes takes a bit of pity on those who "fiddle" with things. otherwise, why would such a result have come about ?