Most long range muzzleloaders are .45 caliber. Years ago I became enamored with the .38 caliber and resolved to build one for myself. I had some crotch walnut full of knotholes and stress cracks that a friend gave me. I found a barrel 3 years ago and have been working on the gun off and on. I had a blacksmith forge me a buttplate after I decided to make it a skeleton gun. I also made a gripcap and a German silver toebox which I will add later. I had an old L&R bar lock kit from the 70's and built a lock from it. All the other hardware I either had or made.
I ran out of time because I will be shooting the gun at the NMLRA Nationals next week. Still stuff to do when I get home again, but it is in shootable condition as it sits. This is what I started with. Will post completed pics in a few seconds.
I ran out of time because I will be shooting the gun at the NMLRA Nationals next week. Still stuff to do when I get home again, but it is in shootable condition as it sits. This is what I started with. Will post completed pics in a few seconds.