My latest gun


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
Most long range muzzleloaders are .45 caliber. Years ago I became enamored with the .38 caliber and resolved to build one for myself. I had some crotch walnut full of knotholes and stress cracks that a friend gave me. I found a barrel 3 years ago and have been working on the gun off and on. I had a blacksmith forge me a buttplate after I decided to make it a skeleton gun. I also made a gripcap and a German silver toebox which I will add later. I had an old L&R bar lock kit from the 70's and built a lock from it. All the other hardware I either had or made.

I ran out of time because I will be shooting the gun at the NMLRA Nationals next week. Still stuff to do when I get home again, but it is in shootable condition as it sits. This is what I started with. Will post completed pics in a few seconds.



~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
Here is the semi-completed gun ready to shoot. Sorry the engraving pic isn't better. These were as good as I could do when taking them. I used some elements from the Mike Dubber/Les Showe 1894 Winchester transfers and adapted them to the parts.


Fred Bowen

Elite Cafe Member
Feb 18, 2007
Lake Villa, Illinois
Nice job! I like guns with an English look and yours is a good one. Don't worry about the knot hole in the butt stock. There was a time in Europe when walnut was getting scarce and even Purdey had to use what they had and just patched the hole. I have a Purdey percussion double that has a couple. I'd like to see your rifle.

I will also be at the Spring Shoot on the first weekend. I share booth space with the Rice Barrels guys. Stop by and say hello (and bring your gun).

Roger Bleile

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Oct 4, 2007
Northern Kentucky

Why don't you bring your latest piece to the Engrave-In? I see you live in West Tennessee so you couldn't be very far from Monteagle, compared to most of us. I didn't see your name on Scott's list.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Sep 30, 2007
West TN
I like guns with an English look and yours is a good one. Don't worry about the knot hole in the butt stock. There was a time in Europe when walnut was getting scarce and even Purdey had to use what they had and just patched the hole.
I've never shied away from flaws in wood. Most guys would reject them. This one was filled with black acraglas, but I have used heated pine pitch with ground charcoal as a filler too. I have an Alex Henry almost done that has a knothole in the forestock. I filled it and covered it with the barrel wedge escutcheon. I'll stop by the booth. You might want to visit our campsite too. My friend from Iowa has an original Rigby long range rifle and it has almost full coverage engraving on it. It's the only one anyone so far has seen with that much original engraving.

I'd like to come someday, but just have too much to do to prepare for next Friday. If it was the weekend after Friendship it wouldn't be a problem. Hopefully the wife and I can day trip it sometime. She has a cousin who lives in Chattanooga and her sister and bro-in-law just bought a condo there.

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