I just finished this penny-bo for a collector..It,s based on a old engraver tired from a day of engraving with his apron still on and his hat on, going home to rest his tired eyes..
Speaking of pennies, I ran across an ad from First Federal Coin Corp (www.FirstFederalCoinCorp.com) where they are selling bags of Wheat Pennies by the pounds troy weight, $19.95 for a half-pound bag of original "Wheaties". I don't know anything about them or the offer, but thought it should be made known since there had been some talk on the forum about a penny carving contest in the future. It may be worthwhile to check them out, and maybe not--who knows?
Awww, great as usual Bill. Any chance of you doing a start to finish photo series on one of your carvings? It'd be wonderful to see the metamorphasis of such a coin.