advice,... sharp pencil. I am fond of using mechanical, .7 .5 or .3 are nice too. With the .7 you want to roll it over until you get to the pointy bit of the lead when you start the line so that it's nice and thin, use a light hand... turn your paper when you draw because you will have a way that your hand will be happiest drawing a curve. Turn your paper all the time. You'll also notice that way you will draw designs that will look good from any angle because you have drawn it from heaps of angles. That's important.
Basically thin and further apart comes down to thick and closer together. Cross hatching should get closer together and darker as you get back into where you want the shadows. play around with straight accross .... steady angle.... or curving your crosshatching. Straight's the easiest.
On that design make it easy on yourself and put fold overs everywhere. Your backbone is too thin to easily bring the shading back to anywhere. Try drawing thicker backbones... Give us some full designs. Draw some random shapes and fill them with work like this to show us. You'll learn a lot more