Another great issue from the hands of our editor Andrew. Thank you Sir!
I especially like the story by Ben about the letter opener that he made and engraved. It really shows what quick advancement a new engraver can make with instruction and help from a master of the art. And what excellent work he did. Very inspiring!
When I sent the photo and info on the dragon floor plate I wasn't actually thinking of it as an article and didn't double check my story so I got the scale info mixed up a bit. Here is what it should have been:
Scales of a carp, 81 infused with yang (good) and 36 with yin (bad) to give the dragon an even temperament and personality. Total 117.
Unlike the fire breathing dragons of the western world, Chinese dragons are benevolent creatures.
I especially like the story by Ben about the letter opener that he made and engraved. It really shows what quick advancement a new engraver can make with instruction and help from a master of the art. And what excellent work he did. Very inspiring!
When I sent the photo and info on the dragon floor plate I wasn't actually thinking of it as an article and didn't double check my story so I got the scale info mixed up a bit. Here is what it should have been:
Scales of a carp, 81 infused with yang (good) and 36 with yin (bad) to give the dragon an even temperament and personality. Total 117.
Unlike the fire breathing dragons of the western world, Chinese dragons are benevolent creatures.