I would love to hear this question answered by the Masters. And the experts. This question is asked over and over in the fine art world....there have been so many movements...I ask it of you.
The future of engraving is where "you" want to take it and still prosper! Engraving, like all art, is subjective. There are those who prefer traditional styles and those who don't. There are those who prefer their engraving simple and those who prefer the ornate. The ornate is nothing more than using the simple methods of lines and curves to fit more into a certain space. The cuts are all the same from the simple to the ornate. The art of an engraved piece is in the eye of the beholder or the client. No one I know of has a crystal ball to know what the future holds for engraving art. We can only do our best to create something that is pleasing to the eye. JMO
When one considers the notable lack of information and low number of engravers 50 years ago as compared to the large and ever increasingly available info and number of engravers (increasing almost daily) today, the future can only be bright and diverse!