The web page provides some
leads you might follow-up. It mentions that Wyatt had a 3-triggered
Stevens shotgun, in addition to his more famous Buntline Special. It
also cites Jeff Morey as being a leading authority on Wyatt and his
Wyatt Earp could of carried any # of double guns..Colt, American Arms, Remington, Parker. Your best bet would be to contact Guns of the Old West..General Questions & or contact the
Double Gun Journal (no email addy)..tele# 231-536-7439..fax..231-536-7450..address your questions to Daniel or JoAnna Cote'...hope this will help.
I have had a few folks tell me that the story goes that the shotgun was a loaner from the local Wells Fargo so I followed that up and it didn't help. Seems that Wells fargo bought coach guns from almost every maufacturer out there.
Ron, referenced the 3 trigger stevens used in the the Tombstone movie. I can't even find that gun listed aywhere. I am assuming the 3rd trigger was to fire both barrels at once and may have been a custom job.
I will contact Guns of the old West today and see what I can find out.
American Hangunner did a story on the guns used in the movies around '95. If I remember correctly the Stevens proved to be impossible to find and the search was almost abandoned, when a last minute wander through a local gun show came up trumps.