Found a Badger Million Air compressor on Ebay (very similar to the Silent Air A20), and snagged it for about $150. The down side is it was shipped with oil in it (and inverted during shipment). The shipping box and interior of the shell had oil in it. A bit of wiping down, followed by a few purge cycles took care of those issues. The final issue was a leak around the globe of the regulator/filter. The previous owner had cross threaded it on (with a big wad of white Teflon tape on the threads of the clear catch globe). It was taken apart, and it was discovered why the Teflon tape had been over-applied. The O-Ring gasket was shot. A quick trip to the hardware store (and 79 cents later), new O-Rings were purchased. A little quick assembly work and the new gasket was in. The leak was completely eliminated. It now runs like a champ. It cycles on once, and holds its pressure.
It will now be a much quieter companion to my California Air compressor, which was marketed as a "quiet" 65dB compressor. I found myself jumping every time it cycled on. Due to a lack of a garage, the compressor has to reside in the same room as the pneumatic engraver.
Eventually I will have all my tools together, for now, it is coming together at a trickle. Now, if I can just get a permanent workspace (so I can avoid tearing down all my tooling between practice sessions).
It will now be a much quieter companion to my California Air compressor, which was marketed as a "quiet" 65dB compressor. I found myself jumping every time it cycled on. Due to a lack of a garage, the compressor has to reside in the same room as the pneumatic engraver.
Eventually I will have all my tools together, for now, it is coming together at a trickle. Now, if I can just get a permanent workspace (so I can avoid tearing down all my tooling between practice sessions).