Pledge Membership...or the lack thereof...


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Jul 23, 2007
Undoubtedly some will consider this out of line and not only has Sam NOT made any mention of this to me, he may well delete this thread, but I'm going to say it anyway:

There are some people who are constantly & continuously taking full advantage of the benefits of this website, but who are TOO D*** CHEAP to pony up a few bucks so Sam can keep it up & running. C'mon, folks- a few of you are using this as a full time classroom and gallery space without even spending the buck or two a week that a $50 or $100 annual pledge amounts to. The value of information on this site vastly exceeds the cost.

From here on out, here's the deal: If somebody who hasn't chipped into the kitty posts for advice once and I have something useful to contribute, I will reply the first time. However, if they come back for more free instruction, that's it. Until I see a "Pledge Member" tag by your name I'm not typing another word to help you.

And no, I'm not getting a nickel out of this, just tired of the freeloaders abusing the privilege.

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
You have a point Mitch...

If you can afford a computer, Internet service and the average 3 to $10,000+ worth of tools... well then, a few bucks to keep this resource up and running ain't much.

It's pretty amazing how many have "graduated" from this school or simply used it for "continuing education" without contributing much of anything.

A lot of money has been made from what EVERYONE learns and continues to learn on this forum...

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Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
One more rant:

If someone takes the time to answer or advise you, or even tries to - or you learn from someone elses's post and the answers they got - you'd best aknowledge that (on the thread) and thank the person(s) who took the time and put in the effort! With real words - not just by pushing the "like" button!

Otherwise, you won't deserve or may not get that "free" help in the future.

That time spent answering your questions will be put to better use...


If your mama didn't teach you common courtesy, there are "free" courses in that online too. TANSTAAFL
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Deb Williams

Mar 16, 2008
It would help if there was another way to contribute besides PayPal. I don't have internet or a cell phone. The computers at the library are not secure and many people (including myself) have experienced credit card fraud when using the library internet.

Deb Williams


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Thanks for the reminder and for your support, Mitch. Here are the stats: As of today we have 9,548 members. Out of those 89 are Pledge Members.

Pledge Membership and banner ads pay the bills here. What we get for our money is a private server with expanded space and greater bandwidth allowances. What that equates to is being able to upload and enjoy high resolution images, and detail in photos is what we're all about.

There are forums which require paid membership for uploading privileges, and others who have size restrictions on images (meaning small images only) to minimize bandwidth consumption. I have done and will continue to do whatever I can to avoid that, and getting a few bucks from the members really, really helps. Also, Pledge Members can start threads in the Buy & Sell forum.

I don't beg or push people for Pledge Membership. I figure if they want to (and are able to) support the site then they will. Some don't have PayPal accounts that I understand that.

For those who can and do, I greatly appreciate your contributions!


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 29, 2010
united kingdom
Mitch excellent rant made me go back and check mine knowing that I had last year and thought I this year but I am guilty of not keeping it updated :eek: but now corrected :biggrin:
? Sam how much trouble would reminders be for those folk that do pledge :thinking:

And my support to mitch's comments here (nothing in life is free) I have sucked so much info and knowledge from the forums it's worth every penny.


Chief Administrator & Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Nov 6, 2006
Covington, Louisiana
Sam how much trouble would reminders be for those folk that do pledge :thinking:

Originally I had it setup for membership to auto-renew, then some people complained about that so I disabled it. Then people complained that it doesn't auto-renew, so I can't please everyone!

I don't have a method to send out reminders. Sorry.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
Originally I had it setup for membership to auto-renew, then some people complained about that so I disabled it. Then people complained that it doesn't auto-renew, so I can't please everyone!

I don't have a method to send out reminders. Sorry.


just auto renew, anyone who want to opt out can go to thier paypal wallet and unsubscribe from there.



Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Here is a simple question to contemplate:

Is there ANYONE who has participated in this forum for over a year and can truthfully say they have NOT learned anything?
(I include Sam himself and those of us who have done this kind of work all of our lives)


And that does not count friendships, business contacts, sources, design ideas... (yes, design ideas. Read the book "Steal Like An Artist" - we all do it.)
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Jan Hendrik

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 24, 2014
Pretoria, South Africa
I have both learned a lot here on the forum as well as shared my knowledge here freely. I have read the sticky thread regarding pledge membership and it clearly states that it is voluntary except if you want to sell items in the for sale section. As a non pledge member should I take the same attitude and refuse sharing my knowledge if any member needs advice? And by any member I mean both pledge and non pledge members. Sometimes it is not what you say, but how you say it that makes the world of difference. Asking for pledge assistance in running the forum is great, no problem there. Asking it with a negative attitude...... Not so good in my honest opinion.

Undoubtedly some will consider this out of line and not only has Sam NOT made any mention of this to me, he may well delete this thread, but I'm going to say it anyway:

There are some people who are constantly & continuously taking full advantage of the benefits of this website, but who are TOO D*** CHEAP to pony up a few bucks so Sam can keep it up & running. C'mon, folks- a few of you are using this as a full time classroom and gallery space without even spending the buck or two a week that a $50 or $100 annual pledge amounts to. The value of information on this site vastly exceeds the cost.

From here on out, here's the deal: If somebody who hasn't chipped into the kitty posts for advice once and I have something useful to contribute, I will reply the first time. However, if they come back for more free instruction, that's it. Until I see a "Pledge Member" tag by your name I'm not typing another word to help you.

And no, I'm not getting a nickel out of this, just tired of the freeloaders abusing the privilege.

Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Mitch is kinda like that... you get used to it. Or maybe you won't. Doesn't really matter...

Sometimes it can take a while... to read between the lines. What he's sayin' was worded to make people pay attention.

I am that way myself, sometimes even worse - when I get off on a rant or up on a soapbox to express a strong opinion... which is quite often.


This is kinda like an NPR fund raiser... (For Jan - that's "National Public Radio" in this country. It does something quite like this to support its programs on the air. You can still listen (and participate, even if you are Republican) to it without donating.)

If I listened to NPR as much as I'm on this forum I'd probably donate. Just because I occasionally learn something or get exposed to a new artist. But listening once or twice a month doesn't seem important. Garrison Keillor got me hooked on his program many years ago... I love to catch it the occasional evenings when I'm working.
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Bob A

Elite Cafe Member
Jan 25, 2014
There was a brief minute of panic..... Where on my profile do I look to know when the renewal should take place? I couldn't find it, but went back to one my posts and saw the pledge member moniker. A good point - running this board has to take a great deal of time, and money.


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
May 10, 2013
Laredo, Texas
I dont think this has to do with asking, if you benefit in any way, and like your time on here it would up to your moral character whether you want to donate or not. The knowledge should always be free it's the storage and web fees that we should help with.

Unlike other forums here we are free to speak our minds, recommend all diferent types of equipment and have conversations of such. Its a great community and im very proud to be a pledged member, I've learned vast amounts of knowledge, I've made some great friends(Gerry) , fond my lost twin brother (monk), have a tool war with Brian, hahahah well count up in Heaven one day to see who won.

You guys decide weather is worth it or not.


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Aug 13, 2010
Midland, Texas
The Engravers Cafe is nothing short of a TREASURE and one of those rare things in life that makes it better in many ways.

Thank you Sam.

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