Not the best, still some things i dont like, was done on my phone but do you see the origin, where it all stems from.
Sanch what takes us days to draw some will do in minutes and 10x better, just plain old practice is all thats needed.
the leaf on the far right-- must be much closer to the design-- as if it was "growing" out of the design. as you do it here, doesn't look good at all. practice with the pencil may be boring, but bringeth many rewards.
Hi Sanch
What are you trying to achieve with this drawing????
It's kind of nothing. It's not scrolls, it's not leaves and it's not a combination of the two................. I can't see where it's headed.
OK so I transferred the first one to some vellum and developed it further here it is as always all comments are welcomed and thanks for the advice!
There is a world of engraving without a single conventional scroll. Some of the best work being done has no scrolls at all. Many scenes have no scrolls at all. Because someone's style uses unconventional design elements does not make it wrong, Many of the younger engravers are abandoning the us use of old school scroll work for there own style. I say good luck to them. I see more and more work being done with more freedom of design. I think they should be applauded not embarrassed by those who have limited themselves to conventional design. It would be more helpful to adjust thinking and comments to what a particular engraver is trying to achieve. Fred
What......encourage and develop crap design and random drawing from beginners that haven't a clue what they want yet ????? Maybe pat them on the back and say "well done" because they got out of bed in the morning and scribbled a few things on paper...........what a load of bollocks!!!............You teach all beginners at anything the skills to get them where they want to go. That takes self discipline and working constructively. With those disciplines and skill they can do anything. Without the discipline and skill they are lost forever.
I agree that scroll and leaf are not the only designs to be engraved...........But aimlessly drawing random designs will get you nowhere. By disciplining yourself to learn these things you develop the ability to focus on the fundamentals of design structure. This understanding and skill set can then be transferred to other designs.
One of the problems with art schools today is that they teach nothing. It's all about freedom of expression with no discipline. You may as well give a kid a pencil and tell them to do what they want for 3-4 years and then at the end of it say well done and hand them a degree. They then move into the real world and nobody wants to employ them or their crap designs. A lot of the technical colleges are the same. Some of the jewellery schools are sending out kids without a clue. Yes they can solder but their taste is all in their backside thinking low end craft is some kind of art.
If people want to waste their time and energy on random drawings that will get them nowhere. Then I'm happy to let them do so. If they are seeking a "well done, that looks great" for a crappy design, then they will not get it from me. There are plenty on the forum that will do that..............However if they are after a bit of practical advice that will get them going. Then I'm happy to give it.
Sanch.......the best advise I can give you is to buy Ron Smiths Advanced Scroll drawing. Study the book and work through the section about scrolls and leaves. Use it like a work book with exercises. You don't actually have to read every word in it as most is self explanatory. This will give you a great foundation to work from. Once you have the skills you can then branch out to other forms of design. Learn the basics first then you are good to go for anything you want