Barry Lee Hands
~ Elite 1000 Member ~
I want you all to know that Sam Welch will be hosting a FEGA Table at the Colorado Gun Collectors show May 16 and 17 at the Denver mart and Expo Hall.
Admission is $10 and its open 9-5 on Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday.
If you are a FEGA member, or want to come and join, you may come visit and/or bring an example of your work to display on our table after you pay your $10 admission at the South entrance.
All firearms must be inspected, all rules of the show complied with, and we will have a waiver for you to sign if you wish to display a firearm.
As FEGA president, I will be there at 10 am - 5pm Saturday.
Bert Edmonston will have a table next to the FEGA table and will be helping also.
The FEGA Table was graciously donated by Les Palmer and the Colorado Gun Collectors for FEGA's use, and we thank them for that.
This is part of a new BOD approved FEGA program where we will be sending officers, (in this case Sam Welch) to select shows in their area or other appropriate venue, and FEGA will pay their expenses and a $150 per day per diem to the officer in charge.
We will also be displaying the FEGA auction Rifle for 2016, a C. Sharps Arms co model 77, engraved by myself, and donated to FEGA by John Schoffstall, owner of C. Sharps Arms Co Inc.
Our purpose at this show is to waive the FEGA flag, let people know who we are and what we do, and sign up new members.
This also gives members a chance to visit with officers at other venues besides our Vegas show, to join in camaraderie, and voice interests, suggestions or concerns to a FEGA officer.
This is experimental, and will be reviewed as we go.
We welcome all FEGA members and Fans, and I hope to see you there!
Admission is $10 and its open 9-5 on Saturday and 9-3 on Sunday.
If you are a FEGA member, or want to come and join, you may come visit and/or bring an example of your work to display on our table after you pay your $10 admission at the South entrance.
All firearms must be inspected, all rules of the show complied with, and we will have a waiver for you to sign if you wish to display a firearm.
As FEGA president, I will be there at 10 am - 5pm Saturday.
Bert Edmonston will have a table next to the FEGA table and will be helping also.
The FEGA Table was graciously donated by Les Palmer and the Colorado Gun Collectors for FEGA's use, and we thank them for that.
This is part of a new BOD approved FEGA program where we will be sending officers, (in this case Sam Welch) to select shows in their area or other appropriate venue, and FEGA will pay their expenses and a $150 per day per diem to the officer in charge.
We will also be displaying the FEGA auction Rifle for 2016, a C. Sharps Arms co model 77, engraved by myself, and donated to FEGA by John Schoffstall, owner of C. Sharps Arms Co Inc.
Our purpose at this show is to waive the FEGA flag, let people know who we are and what we do, and sign up new members.
This also gives members a chance to visit with officers at other venues besides our Vegas show, to join in camaraderie, and voice interests, suggestions or concerns to a FEGA officer.
This is experimental, and will be reviewed as we go.
We welcome all FEGA members and Fans, and I hope to see you there!
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