Nifty transfer wax


~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 10, 2006
Eden, NC
"I've fallen and can't get up!" seems to be my motto lately looking for parts and pieces. Hands are too dry to hang onto anything it seems.


Elite Cafe Member
Nov 7, 2013
West Virginia
I now feel much better after reading this because I thought it was just me and my clumsiness that had me digging under my bench every 30 seconds or so. On the other hand it is kind of discouraging because I figured al that clumsiness and dropping of every little piece would go away as I got to be a better engraver, evidently this is not the case.


Brian Marshall

~ Elite 1000 Member ~
Nov 9, 2006
Stockton, California & Taxco, Guerrero, Mexico
Go to your nearest closet...

Wire coathangers multiply faster than dust bunnies. I guess because it's darker in there?

Grab one, untwist it, straighten it, put a small tight loop in the working end with pliers, and a handhold of sorts (if you need one) at the other end.

Get a wad of that sticky poster putty (or use fresh chewed gum?), the sticky putty stays workable longer... and form it onto the tight loop.

If you KNOW that whatever it is that you lost will respond to a magnet, then use one instead of putty. (I'm still working on a diamond magnet)

Now you can fish out most of the things you can actually see under your bench, and even some that you didn't know were there...

Keep at least two of these in your shop. (yeah, they get lost too) I hang mine off the side of the benches right next to each of the penlights. (I am finally getting around to considering a pair of kneepads for myself - maybe this Christmas?)

When you are "fishing" I would suggest that you actually put one of those signs on your entry door that says you'll be back in a half hour or so. Or one that says "Gone Fishing!"

If you don't, you are gonna get a lot of wisecracks from visitors about, well, your crack... whilst it's up in the air... :)

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Dani Girl

:::Pledge Member:::
::::Pledge Member::::
May 6, 2012
NSW, Australia.
Go to your nearest closet...

Wire coathangers multiply faster than dust bunnies. I guess because it's darker in there?

Grab one, untwist it, straighten it, put a small tight loop in the working end with pliers, and a handhold of sorts (if you need one) at the other end.

Get a wad of that sticky poster putty (or use fresh chewed gum?), the sticky putty stays workable longer... and form it onto the tight loop.

If you KNOW that whatever it is that you lost will respond to a magnet, then use one instead of putty. (I'm still working on a diamond magnet)

Now you can fish out most of the things you can actually see under your bench, and even some that you didn't know were there...

Keep at least two of these in your shop. (yeah, they get lost too) I hang mine off the side of the benches right next to each of the penlights. (I am finally getting around to considering a pair of kneepads for myself - maybe this Christmas?)

When you are "fishing" I would suggest that you actually put one of those signs on your entry door that says you'll be back in a half hour or so. Or one that says "Gone Fishing!"

If you don't, you are gonna get a lot of wisecracks from visitors about, well, your crack... whilst it's up in the air... :)


Just as well my next door neighbors are cattle and we don't get visitors.


Elite Cafe Member
Dec 27, 2012
Hutchinson, KS
So I mixed up some of this, put about 5 pea sized globs in a full tin of transfer wax, melted them together and cooled it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. Turned out excellent, a little softer than the straight transfer wax but drawing through it really shows up well! Very good tip IMO!

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