just very beautiful work, any hunter would be proud to own that gun,............I used to own a Win 101, Grand European model Skeet/Skeet, with the Gold and Silver inlay, I was told the gun was American Walnut stock, built in Japan and hand engraved in Italy...............go figure!
Thanks everyone.
Monk.....which border are you referring to? The border that is "Oklahoma", the scroll work, or the one that separates the raised panel from the pivot pin area?
very nice, Brian. I especially like the pointer. There are several ways to execute English Scroll, of which Marcus Hunt and his father Ken Hunt are masters. I learned the Purdey style from Simon Lytton, but I like them all
Sorry...."Schnoid" is one of my made up words that refers to your average guy doing "gopher" work (Go For...)
Roger and I trade barbs at each other with that term.
Periphery, of course, is a synonym for the word "border".
So...."Schnoid Periphery" would be a border done by your average guy.