A while back I made an inquired on the forum about lacquering. Here is one of the finished pieces. As you can see from the photo the stuff is pretty much invisible.
Beautiful Job. Ron Smith used this on some of his and I used it a couple of times. It works great as you can see. Once again that is a fantastic job and the art work is tops. Did you apply the lacquer with an air brush?
I used an airbrush and just sprayed a real light coat of the varnish. On some test pieces I did, you could easily get it too thick and it looked bad, but spraying lightly with one quick pass seemed to work.
Yeah it took some time, roughly a month, plus I then had to do the rest of the gun........many more months.
Dear Brian: I trust you won't mind if I send this message. I am new at these kind of forums and I was wondering if I did the right thing and if it the thread that I just posted will be seen by anyone? I decided to write since you are the first person at the top of the threads that were posted today? I just hope that someone will see my thread/message. Any input how to do things on this forum since I have never joined such? Many thanks and have a wonderful Holiday-Dominique in New York.