The first inlaid pic at the top here... it's pretty easy to see with the bit of steel blue darkness left on the silver around the gold that the gold is jagged because i got some epic heel drag with my flat cutting the grooves. Would i be wisest to raise heel angle, round heel, not use a flat at all? Take multiple passes? This was a good depth for the wire.
Try cutting the inlay channel with an ongelette followed by a round bottom graver to widen it out. No heel drag.
Thank you John, I will try that soon. I might even round off the flat I was using for this piece and give it a go. HSS would be best for small points used for soft metal I guess. I am using an onglette for the first time now, is there anything that's good to know about them?
Thank you John, I will try that soon. I might even round off the flat I was using for this piece and give it a go. HSS would be best for small points used for soft metal I guess. I am using an onglette for the first time now, is there anything that's good to know about them?
To heel an ongelette just hand hold it at about 15 degrees with the point in contact with the abrasive and wipe it from side to side.
This will raise the point slightly and taper the side radius's in.
Jab the point into end grain of hardwood and check the point on your thumbnail.
Narrowing an old flat to what you want and rounding it off will work. Make a short heel following the edge radius.
Any kind of graver steel will work in soft metal but for cutting gold try carbide. The gold chips don't stick to it.