Elite Cafe Member
There is literally a way to put up a red flag in crossover areas where you need to stop cutting a line and pick it up on the other side of something. If you have an inkjet printer that uses PIGMENT INK for both color and black, you can use color to highlight areas you want to avoid. Unfortunately for engravers, most inkjet printers that use pigment black ink also use dye inks for the colors to make them brighter for photographs. DYE INKS DO NOT WORK; you must use pigment inks. Yellow does not show up well, but red and green do show up pretty good under a microscope--and that is the key: you need to experiment with pigment colors to see which show up best under your microscope to warn you of the need to stop a cut. As an aside, if you have an inkjet that uses pigment black and dye colors, and you want to print black only, you need to set the printer to use only the black ink. Otherwise, it will try to make black from the colors and that doesn't transfer. That is why a lot of folks say that their inkjet doesn't make good transfers; they haven't told the printer to use only the pigment ink.