Robert Morales
Elite Cafe Member
"The GraverMax & its evolutionary offspring require a certain amount of minimal airflow through the pedal even at rest for acceptable handpiece response (having a little flow at all times avoids unexpected surges that may occur when starting from zero). Until the introduction of the Throttle Command Module, this minimal flow was always achieved by simply adjusting the throttle at the factory to a pre-set level. In other words, the bleed valve in the foot pedal was rotated to a certain point, as if the pedal had already been engaged to a slight degree."
This part of how your Throttle Control Valve works in relation to how the Graver-Max is designed to work has been very enlightening for me. Years ago I took my pedal apart to "CLEAN THE DISGUSTING COLLECTION OF DUST-BUNNIES OUT OF IT!" either because it was coming apart or I thought it was causing hesitation issues. I'm now recalling at that time I adjusted it so it DIDN'T leak air at rest! I don't feel that I have any surging at start but I might be missing some fine control. In my case it turned out that the built in regulator wasn't handling high tank pressures well. I added a Craftsman regulator to limit what it sees and that fixed it for me. Thanks