
I was born in New Bern, NC and moved to West Palm Beach, FL. in 1958 when my parents relocated to start a business. Stayed there (mostly) until retirement in 2003. Joined the US Marine Corps in 1965; got out in 1971 as Plt Sgt. Taught welding for 6 years while in the building trades and am a licensed electrician, certified in welding, fibre optics, programmable controls and high voltage cable splicing. Started engraving in 1978, self taught. Got married in 1967, have two very successful children and two grandchildren. Now I am a professional Santa Claus as well as a part time engraver. Love doing both.

hunting, fishing, golf, art, grandkids
Apr 4, 1947 (Age: 77)
Eden, NC
retired utilities Systems Operator




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