so this may be a stupid question.. but is this the same tool? or do you think it's a fake? pricing on it is less than half the list price on the provided link..
EDIT: main concern was due a large discrepancy in pricing but I now see that the original link is "AUSTRALIAN JEWELLERS SUPPLIES " so...
That sounds MUCH more manageable for detaild work! Thank you for the info I believe I will have to try out one of those tools.
.. for better or for worse I believe I am becoming a tool addict.. hehe
Reverse direction.. .. at first I missed the part about having mounted the flex shafts to dc motors and was dumbfounded how this could be done but upon checking the 2 foredoms I have access to I found that one is indeed AC 120 but low and behold the other is a 120v DC motor .. I believe this...
I stand corrected.
I guess I at least got the bit about the unruliness of a flexshaft right..
I am curious, if the slower RPM and higher torque is more manageable for cutting stone seats, how does a micro-motor perform when cutting other more brittle mediums? such as glass, eggshell, mother...
for this kind of work I would advise against a flex-shaft tool, they have plenty of torque and power but are harder to control and still pull a lot because they are a low speed tool.
I haven't done a ton of stone setting but what I have done was done with an ultra-high speed air rotary tool, the...
a little ironically I ran across this post on youtube today talking about the benefits of the old runic alphabet.. maybe we should go back to runes..?.. it may be easier to "chisel" into our projects than the cursive as it's designed for a harder medium such as stone, wood or in our case...
I agree with mdengraver, it is best not to polish after engraving if you don't have to.
polishing is part of the prep work. in some cases it may be needed like with inlays with excess that needs cut away and polished back, but in most cases it's preferable to do the inlays then polish back and...
Might be worth a shot, but one thing to keep in mind is that most airbrushs dont have a lot of control of airflow, that's mostly in the regulator, typically it's just a press for air on and you have control of paint flow via a needle and seat in the handpiece. Still, a thought though because...
Thank you!
In all honestly I never took the barrel off.. I just put it all into a fixture and left it at that. taking the barrel off would have given a little shorter package to work with but it wasn't too bad as it was so I just left it.
in hind sight I would make brass barring points for the...
The barrel (where I started) cut something like a dream (to lure me in!) and I think I chipped or dulled maybe 10 gravers in the whole thing.
The action on the other hand... I made new sharpening fixtures shortly before this project that work like a charm letting me re-sharpen a point in...
This is my second complete firearm engraving project, I started early in 2023 I worked on and off on it over about a years time before finishing it this spring, on this project I was trying to be a little more congruent in the pattern than with my first.
the grips were made from a piece of...