Recent content by Roger Bleile

  1. Roger Bleile

    Anyone know engraver “HONZ”?

    That is a new name to me.
  2. Roger Bleile

    See my reply to your original post.

    See my reply to your original post.
  3. Roger Bleile


    Now that I can see the scrollwork clearly, I can verify that the work was done by one of several Japanese engravers who worked for GIs during the occupation period. Japanese scrollwork looks, in some ways like the German work they are copying but the Japanese have distinctive characteristics...
  4. Roger Bleile


    JJ Roberts' point about silver inlaid animals is a valid one, however, the photos are too poor to get a good look at the scrollwork. The scrollwork is the key to identification. A larger and well-lit image will be needed for proper attribution.
  5. Roger Bleile

    Engraving plate

    Sam, Your scroll on that plate looks very similar to Jack's.
  6. Roger Bleile

    Question: Who was the Master Engraver??

    Could be Griebel, but he invariably signed his work. In any case it was done by a German or Austrian trained engraver.
  7. Roger Bleile

    Altoids tin practice

  8. Roger Bleile

    2024 Engrosser's Script Program (aka "Engraver's Script")

    I don't know. I will ask his mother.
  9. Roger Bleile

    Mike Dubbers Engraving Transfer Patterns

    I'm really sorry to hear of the death of Les Schowe.
  10. Roger Bleile

    2024 Engrosser's Script Program (aka "Engraver's Script")

    My grandson goes to a Catholic school in Ohio. All the kids at that school are taught cursive writing.
  11. Roger Bleile

    Rod Cameron: an appreciation

    I can only echo the sentiments of all those who have remarked on the outstanding character and accomplishments of my dear friend, Rod Cameron. If ever there was a person who was a friend to all and a mentor to many, it was Rod. A true raconteur, Rod told stories in both word and song. I just...
  12. Roger Bleile

    Engraver ID please

    The image is far too small for me to make any attempt at attribution. I can, however, see enough of the left panel to tell that that part is not by any gun engraver that I am familiar with.
  13. Roger Bleile

    Identities of Engravers with Initials DB and NN

    I've got nothing on your Winchester. I'm not sure that the DB is the engraver's mark. The engraving and carving look very much like German or Austrian work. Kornbrath or Griebel work would look very similar, but those guys clearly always signed their work. I checked my source for Belgian...
  14. Roger Bleile

    Identifying engraver with initials RV or PV

    That is the work of the late Ray Viramontez.
  15. Roger Bleile

    My fabulously engraved Winchester Model 21

    Your 21 was engraved in Germany. German work, in the post-war era, is very distinctive. Until recently, German engravers did not sign their work. Most likely the gun was ordered by a GI through the PX then turned over to a German engraver. There was one who worked in conjunction with the...

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