for the apex specifically, as long as I have a graver that fits into a collet ((i.e., - a GRS square graver that fits into a 1/8th collet or a HSS QC graver that fits into a collet) would it work? And can I use that system on sharpening stones or do I need a hone?
sorry for all the questions!
ahhh ok. That makes a lot of sense. I was hoping for a sharpening fixture that was a one size fits all. Ideally I was going to use the HSS QC GRS gravers, as well as square graver blanks.
Thanks for the response!!
Hey all! Sorry for posting so much in the past couple to days but I am having some issues figuring out what the best tools to buy is. As far as sharpening fixtures go, is it best to buy the dual angle from GRS or the lindsey plates? I am willing to save up for a power hone if nessasary but eager...
if I buy a square graver, I could sharpen it into a flat graver right? I am thinking about buying the Lindsey sharping plates and buying blank gravers to shape // sharpen. I was thinking of getting the universal, 105, detailing, and flat // knife plates.
heard that! Do you know if round gravers work in the Lindsey sharpening plates? Alternatively, how do I know when to use a round blank vs when to use a square blank?
sorry for all the questions but do you think that these four plates would be a good place to start?
"Sharpener set with four...
Hello all! I am getting close on pulling the trigger on gravers and supplies as I want to begin to learn how to hand engrave. This may be a dumb question, but instead of buying preshaped gravers and trying to make sure I have the correct plates to sharpen them, is there any reason or...
Hello all! If this is a post that has already been answered I apologize - what graver shapes // types should a beginner purchase to learn hand push engraving? and what angles should they be sharpened at? If it matters I will use a GRS QC hand piece.
Thank you so much everyone!
I hear that! thank you. Is the same learning curve as intense when using softer fine metals?
and I hear that last bit also! I am absolutely down to put the time in, especially considering that I am still dealing with some jewelery specific expenses, and would probably rather purchase a...
luckily even before I started making jewelery // thinking about engraving I have a background in drawing and design. Thanks for the tip about the tools!
thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it. I'm in the same boat of not having a direct teacher. My mentor // boss is able to give me some pointers, but he is not an engraver by any means, and is mostly a setter.