Not bidding high enough for a good engraving block is a vice! But not the kind you want! An engraver without a good vice may end up with a bad case of engravers block! Better yet a good engraver shouldn't be perfect! He/She should have lots of vices! Better to have a good vise than risk...
They will probably tell you to practice simple Scrolls and there backbones 1st before evolving to more complicated designs you are not ready for. Also one of Ron Smith's books on scroll design. I recommend the Advanced Drawing if Scrolls by Ron Smith.
Knowing which engraving projects to turn down is one of the greatest challenges of being an engraver! Thankless jobs! And the costly mistake of engraving an object your best judgment tells you not to do doesn't go unpunished!
Observing animals and animal behavior gives us sources of inspiration for representing them in art/metal in believable realistic scenes. Think outside of the box and your games scenes will take on new life, personality and originality!
Great Nature Story
Brian you may be correct on this but the jool tool allows you to control the speed of the machine for carefully controlled burnishing in accessible areas without removing any metal using the magic erase disc.
DVD41. Drawing & Painting the Acanthus Leaf / Buczek
Drawing and Painting the Acanthus Leaf Video. Rosemary Buczek. Approx. 120 minutes
Covers the basics elements of drawing and painting the Acanthus Leaf. In three segments, Rosemary approaches a basic level for beginners, an...