Thanks gents....I find myself really overcutting, I think my mind wonders. I got mixed up in the antlers and the overshoot on the body, I am really working on it. The comments are more than welcomed as it lets me know people with way more experience are looking and interested. my kindest...
speaking of transfers.......has anyone found that the latest batch of TW's magic in the clear form is giving them fits? I personally can't get squat to transfer with it, pap
well I must be advancing, I'm asking questions here. When cutting dots and dashes in orientation to the image, are the dots and dashes cut in the direction of flow and form of the subject please? And does depth of dots make a difference in final view perception? thanks paps
Can you outline only a pic or image on affinity photo? I have played with it and can't identify terms used to corilate final results. Some I use and still use with no problem, but not being familiar with photo terminology the rest avaids me, any help would be much appreciated and applied. pap
This is facinating, I think the job is very nice. I have a choice to make.....DOT or LINES..... I cannot wrap my inexperienced mind around doing this portrait in lines ( Mr. DeCammils) style. Seeing this which appears to me as all dots is like looking at a picture. I love it. thanks for...
This by far is one of the most if not THE most beautiful weapons engraved. I bet H&H are chaumping at the bit to get this one for their collection too!! Thanks Mr. Coggan for sharing with us.
That is wonderful info Worshipful, my son is the 27 openair degreed Master in Michigan, people fly in for this event. It's held in the same place consistantly, the PM has a air strip adjacent to the woods. IT is truly a wonderful thing. JD Welfare 517. F&AM Mi.